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Date Posted: 13:43:31 03/08/08 Sat
Author: shelia
Subject: Hey Did Cole and Starr have Sex? i did;nt think they did,Starr told Blair that Todd walked in on them before they had Sex.I felt so sorry for Blair the look on her face when she seen Starr with the sheet arround her.Kassie and Kristen had some great scene this week and done excellent.

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[> there was a ab press release toadayconfirming sataqrrs teenage pregnancy storyline, plus ka discussed it on her website blog. -- kathy, 14:23:02 03/08/08 Sat

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[> [> I agree with you Cathy it is so confusing that was why i was asking cause i heard that Starr is going to be pregnant but she told Blair and Langston they did;nt have Sex so how could she be pregnant so confusing.i just thought i might have misunderstand but i did;nt. -- shelia, 09:34:20 03/09/08 Sun

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[> It is confusing. Starr definitely told both Blair and Langston that she and Cole didn't have a chance to have sex - that they were going to, but Todd came in before they could. Still, rumors abound that they did have sex and she'll be pregnant. I don't get it. Why would Starr lie to Blair and esp. Langston? Makes no sense. -- Cathy, 06:22:21 03/09/08 Sun

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[> It's already confirmed that Starr & Cole DID in fact have sex and there will be a pregnancy scare/story. So Starr lied to both Blair & Langston, yet notice she has not lied to Todd about the situation. Interesting. -- LH, 11:28:59 03/10/08 Mon

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