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Date Posted: 06:11:22 07/31/08 Thu
Author: sexrigalust (need fuck)
In reply to: KAYASAI NAP. 's message, "SABBATIKAL ITEMS FOR SALE & TRADE" on 21:55:26 01/08/08 Tue

I'm intrested to get some of it? but only Cd?how much does it cost?can you list me the price and available cd???

>Sabbat - 'Hamaguri Hihoukan' 7" on Ososo Records, Japan
>Sabbat - 'Live in Singapore' LP on HMSS Records, Japan
>Sabbat - 'Sabbatical Visionslaught' DVD on Hells'
>Sabbat - 'Malaysian Demonslaught' 7"
>Sabbat - 'Musta Tuli' 7" on Vinylucifer, Finland
>(Black Fire Finnish version)
>Sabbat - Live SPLIT MC w/ NUNSLAUGHTER on Witchhammer
>Productions, Thailand
>Sabbat - 'Thailand Demonslaught' CD/7"EP on
>Witchhmammer Productions, Thailand
>Sabbat - 'Live 666 - Japanese Harmageddon' CD on
>Stygian Shadows, Hungary (Nov/Dec 2007, w/ bonus trx)
>Sabbat - 'Evoke' CD (Thailand version) on Witchhammer
>Productions, Thailand
>Sabbat - 'Sabbademonical Liveslaught' CD Stygian
>Shadows Productions SSP 011, Hungary 2007
>Sabbat - 'The Dwelling' 2-LP Iron Pegasus Records
>IP048, Germany 2006
>Sabbat - 'Fetishism' CD Iron Pegasus Records IP029,
>Germany 2006
>Sabbat - 'Evoke' LP Hells Headbangers HELLS LP 016,
>USA 2006
>Sabbat - 'Geionslaught 1986' CD Time Before Time
>DEATH 035, Poland 2006
>Sabbat - 'Brooklyn Blackfire' LP Heavy Metal Super
>Star, HMSS-CD-042 Japan 2005
>Sabbat - 'Satanas Francisconslaught' 7" Bay Area
>Sabbatical Maniacs Records, BASMR 001 USA 2005
>Sabbat - 'Live Sabbatical Hamaguri Queen' CD
>Nuclear War Now! Prodcuctions ANTI-GOTH 030, USA 2005
>Sabbat - '... To Praise The Sabbatical Queen' 2-LP
>Iron Pegasus I.P.038, Germany 2004
>Sabbat - '... To Praise The Sabbatical Queen' CD
>Iron Pegasus I.P.038, Germany 2004
>Sabbat - 'Sabbatical Rehearsalucifer' CD Time
>Before Time DEATH025, Poland 2004
>Sabbat - 'Live Undertakers (Zorugelion)' LP
>Painkiller Records / Heavy Metal Super Star Records
>HMSS CD-035, Belgium / Japan 2004
>Sabbat - 'Mion's Hill - 20th Anniversary Special
>Release 1984-2004' LP Iron Pegasus Records, Germany
>Sabbat - 'Live Resurrection' CD Monster Nation/Iron
>Tyrant MN010/ITR006CD, Sweden/Italy 2004
>Sabbat - 'Envenom' CD RIP Records, USA 2004
>Sabbat - 'Live Undertakers (Temis Osmond)' LP
>Painkiller Records / Heavy Metal Super Star Records
>HMSS CD-034, Belgium / Japan 2004
>Sabbat - 'Gezonslaught' 7" Infernal Thrash Records
>ITR-009, Japan 2004
>Sabbat - 'Temis Osmonslaught' 7" Infernal Thrash
>Records ITR-008, Japan 2004
>Sabbat - 'Sabbatical Holocaust' CD Time Before Time
>Records DEATH 018, Poland 2004
>Sabbat - 'Envenometal' 3-LP + 7"EP Heavy Metal
>Super Star Records, HMSS CD-028/029/030/031 Japan 2004
>Sabbat - 'Live Curse' 2-LP Goatowarex, Australia
>Sabbat - 'Hamaguri Resurrection' 7" Assaulter
>Productions ASSAULT-001, USA 2004
>Sabbat - 'Sabbatical Satanachrist Slaughter - Bay Area
>Harmageddon' 3 x 6" Nuclear War Now! Productions
>ANTI-GOTH 666, USA 2003
>Sabbat - 'Brigitte Harmageddon' CD Brigittefan
>Records, Australia 2003
>Sabbat - 'Live Hamagurism' LP Heavy Metal Super
>Star Records HMSS CD-025, Japan 2003
>Sabbat - 'Karmagmassacre' LP Iron Pegasus Records
>IP031, Germany 2003
>Sabbat - 'Fetishism' 2-LP Iron Pegasus Records
>IP029, Germany 2003
>Sabbat - 'Naniwa Tepoddonslaught' 7" Evil Dead
>Records EDR-NTS-666, Japan 2003
>Sabbat - 'Zorugelionslaught' 7" Infernal Thrash
>Records ITR-007, Japan 2003
>Sabbat - 'Tribute to FETU - Naniwa Harmageddon' 7"
>Ososo Records 728, Japan 2003
>Sabbat - 'Karmagmassacre' CD Iron Pegasus Records
>IP031, Germany 2003
>Sabbat - 'Elizaveatonslaught EP' 7" Heavy Metal
>Super Star Records HMSS CD-021, Japan 2003
>Sabbat - 'Valvinonslaught EP' 7" Infernal Thrash
>Records ITR-006, Japan 2003
>Sabbat - 'Gezonslaught EP' 7" Ososo Records
>GIGI-05050, Japan 2003
>Sabbat - 'Svart Eld - Demonslaught Sverige' 7"EP
>Monster Nation MNR-002, Sweden 2003
>Sabbat - 'Live Izumoden' 7" Heavy Metal Super Star
>Records HMSS CD-017/018, Japan 2003
>Sabbat - 'Live Batan-Q - Disturbed By Guardians' LP
>Heavy Metal Super Star Records HMSS CD-016, Japan 2002
>Sabbat - 'Evoke' CD Iron Pegasus Records IP003,
>Germany 2002
>Sabbat - 'Live Lovefire' LP Heavy Metal Super Star
>Records HMSS CD-014, Japan 2002
>Sabbat - 'Live Guanafight' LP Heavy Metal Super
>Star Records HMSS CD-013, Japan 2002
>Sabbat - 'Brazilian Demonslaught' 7" Live
>Recordings Attack!!!/Evil Records LRA001EP/EHDS002,
>Brazil 2002
>Sabbat - 'Live Torture - Unleashed In The West' LP
>Heavy Metal Super Star Records HMSS CD-012, Japan 2001
>Sabbat - 'Satanasword' PICTURE DISC LP Iron Pegasus
>Records, Germany 2001
>Sabbat - 'Minami-Kyushu Harmageddon - Sabbatical
>Magichaos' 7" Infernal Tharsh Records ITR-003,
>Japan 2001
>Sabbat - 'Antarctic Harmageddon' LP Heavy Metal
>Super Star Records/Evil Records HMSS
>CD-010/ER666-HS14, Japan 2001
>Sabbat - 'Disembody' LP and PICTURE DISC LP Iron
>Pegasus Records IP018, Germany 2001
>Sabbat - 'Dietsland Harmageddon - Sabbatical
>Magicrest' 7" Berzerker Records BRZRK
>666/ER666HS12, Holland 2001
>Sabbat - 'Live Festa' LP Heavy Metal Super Star
>Records HMSS CD-08, Japan 2001
>Sabbat - 'Live Nuts' LP Heavy Metal Super Star
>Records HMSS CD-08, Japan 2001
>Sabbat - 'Live Meltdown' PICTURE DISC LP Heavy
>Metal Super Star Records HMSS CD-06, Japan 2001
>Sabbat - 'Russian Harmageddon' PICTURE DISC LP
>Satanic Assault Productions, Brazil 2000
>Sabbat - 'VenoMetal' LP Sons Of Satan NIS003,
>Brazil 2000
>Sabbat - 'Sabbatical Magicrypt - French Harmageddon'
>7" EAL Productions, France 2000
>Sabbat - 'Live Revenge' LP Heavy Metal Super Star
>Records HMSS CD-05, Japan 2000
>Sabbat - 'Charisma' PICTURE DISC LP Iron Pegasus
>Records, Germany 2000
>Sabbat - 'Sabbatical Magicrucifixion - Iberian
>Harmageddon' 7" Hibernia Productions/Evil Records
>HB02V/ER666-HS11, Portugal 2000
>Sabbat - 'Live Panica' 10" EP Heavy Metal Super
>Star Records HMSS CD-04, Japan 2000
>Sabbat - 'Sabbatical Magicurse - Baltic Harmageddon'
>7"EP Sadistic Sodomizer/Evil Records
>SS-001/ER666-HS10, Latvia 2000
>Sabbat - 'Live Kindergarten' LP Heavy Metal Super
>Star Records HMSS CD-02, Japan 1999
>Sabbat - 'Sabbatical Demonslaught' 7"EP View Beyond
>Records, Czech Republic 1999
>Sabbat - 'South American Harmageddon' 7" EP Mega
>Therion Records/Sylphorium Records/Evil Records
>MTSS1/SRSD1/ER666-HS8, Brasil/Colombia 1999
>Sabbat - 'Karisma' CD Iron Pegasus Records IP05,
>Germany 1999
>Sabbat - 'Sabbatical Rites' LP Iron Pegasus Records
>IP04, Germany 1999)
>Sabbat - 'Live Curse' CD Heavy Metal Super Star
>Records HMSS CD-001, Japan 1999
>Sabbat - 'Evoke' PICTURE DISC LP Iron Pegasus
>Records IP003, Germany 1999
>Sabbat - 'Envenom' LP and PICTURE DISC LP Iron
>Pegasus Records IP002, Germany 1999
>Sabbat - 'African Harmageddon' 7" Mganga
>Records/Evil Records Uchavi001/ER666-HS7, Tanzania
>Sabbat - 'Asian Halmageddon' 7" Evil Records
>J001ER666-HS6, China 1998
>Sabbat - 'American Harmageddon' 7" Holycaust
>Records/Evil Records S810/666-HS5, US 1998
>Sabbat - 'East European Harmageddon' 7" View Beyond
>Records/Evil Records VB0018/666-HS4, Czech Republic
>Sabbat - 'Scandinavian Harmageddon' 7" EP Primitive
>Art Productions/Evil Records PAR-014/666-HS3, Sweden
>Sabbat - 'European Harmageddon' PIC DISC 7"
>Merciless Records/Evil Records MREP004/666-HS2,
>Germany 1997
>Sabbat - 'Live 666 - Japanese Harmageddon' LP Evil
>Records 666-HS1, Japan 1996
>Sabbat - 'The Dwelling' CD Evil Records 666-10,
>Japan 1996
>Sabbat - 'Bloody Countess' LP Holycaust Records
>SIN002, US 1996
>Sabbat - 'Envenom' CD Entropy Productions, Italy
>Sabbat - '... for Satan and Sacrifice' CD Evil
>Records 666-00C, Japan 1995
>Sabbat - 'Live at Blokula' CD Evil Records 666-00B,
>Japan 1995
>Sabbat - 'Sabbatical Devilucifer' MCD Holycaust
>Records SIN001, USA 1994
>Sabbat - 'Black up Your Soul...' CD Evil Records
>666-00A, Japan 1994
>Sabbat - 'Fetishism' CD Evil Records 666-09, Japan
>Sabbat - 'Disembody' CD Evil Records 666-08, Japan
>Sabbat - 'Evoke' CD Evil Records 666-07, Japan 1992
>Sabbat - 'Envenom' CD Evil Records 666-06, Japan
>Sabbat - 'The Seven Deadly Sins' 7" EP Evil Records
>666-05, Japan 1990
>Sabbat - 'The Devil's Sperm is Cold' 7" Evil
>Records 666-04, Japan 1989
>Sabbat - 'Desecration' 7" EP Evil Records 666-03,
>Japan 1988
>Sabbat - 'Born by Evil Blood' 7"EP Evil Records
>666-02, Japan 1987
>Sabbat - 'Sabbat' 7"EP Evil Records 666-01, Japan

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  • Re: SABBATIKAL ITEMS FOR SALE & TRADE -- victor, 18:59:33 12/01/09 Tue
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