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Date Posted: 11:21:48 02/23/18 Fri
Author: Levinus Rappaport
Subject: LEARN ABIYT SEXUALLY STIMULATING HERBS, natural sex drugs, rc drones, jewelry, anti-aging and more

Further down you can find an explanation about yes-no questions in English and Spanish, a definition of free and bound morphems, there is information about child protective agencies and false accusations of sexual abuse and about language classification and properties.


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What Is the Difference Between Yes-no Questions in English and Spanish?

In Spanish you will usually pose yes-no questions only by a rising intonation throughout the sentence, while an affirmative sentence will have a falling intonation. The inflection is exactly the same. Inverted word order is often used in addition, but this is not necessary.
In English you will use a combination of the verb to do in the proper inflection combined with an infinitive of the main verb. So in English you use a different inflection in the main verb. The subject will also be placed after the verb to do. With the verb to be and auxiliary verbs you only invert the word order to pose questions in English.
But also in English you will often change the intonation from falling to rising by questions.

What is a free and bound morpheme

A bound morpheme cannot stand alone, but must always be combined with another morpheme in a specific order. For example the morpheme “-ed” in the word “looked” is bound because it must always be placed after a verbal stem.
The morpheme “imagem" for example, can stand alone as a word and is therefore not bound, and is a free morpheme.

About Child Protective Agencies and False Accusations of Sexual Abuse

The child protective agencies more often than not want to plant false allegation of abuse, so that they can take the child and use himher for their own purposes., and they use all psychological tricks in the arsenal to make the child believe that heher has been abused. One trick they use is to confuse the child so that heshe believes all touching, all caresses, all nakedness, and all body contact is abuse. Another trick is to stress the child is such a way that heshe shows symptoms of abuse, , and often coworkers, like teachers participate in that game. But also teachers themselves easily get into a situation where they are falsly accused of sexual abuse, like in this video.

When the child is taken they make a project out of the child that generates a lot of money from several coworkers, including foster care business, medical researchers, tissue thieves, using the child as sex slave, and up to killing the child and sell hjisher organs on the organ trade market.. I am from Norway, possibly the cotry where child trade by the child protective system is the worst of all in the world. In Norway it iis so bad that I generally advice people not to visit this country with their children, since they go after foreign children too.

Language Properties and Classifications

By Knut Holt



Most languages, if not all, are inflected to some degree.

A language that use little inflections, derivations or compositions, and thus have mostly simple words are called analytic. If a language uses a higher degree of such methods it is called strongly syntetic.

Laguages with an extremely high degree of syntesis are called polysyntetic. Many linguists also require that a language must have verbs that inflect according to both the subject and the object, and possibly other sentence constituents to get classified as such. In such languages one single verb word can be a full sentence with both subject and object incorporated.

But also polysynthetic languages have analythic means of expressing things, and practially the polysynthetic constuctions are usually combined with free words whem complex notions must be expressed.

Greek, Latin and Russian are examples of strongly synthetic language, while English and Chinese can be classified as analythic. Navajo, Greenlandic and Swahili are typical polysyntetic languages. The Romance languages like French, Italian and Spanish have constructions that strongly resemble polysyntesis. In orthography these are partly written as single words.


Languages are also classified according to how words are made. If the words are made by distinct stems and distinct affixes put together, each with a specific function, it is called agglutinating.
If the words are made of stems combined with affixes with many functions simultanously, these fuse together with themselves and the stem, and sound alternations in the stems also may plays a role, the language is called flectating or fusional.

Most languages are at a stage somewhat betwen those extremes. Greek and Latin are fusional to a high degree, especially in nouns and adjectives, while Greek and Latin verbs are more agglutinating.


Languages tend to fall into certain types regarding word and affix order. On etype is the SOV-type, which uses the word order subject-object-verb. An SVO-language also tend to have postpositions or case inflectins made by endings.

Another extreme type are the VSO-languages that mostly use the word order verb-subject-object and have prepositions or case prefixes. These languages nearly always have postponed attributes.

The most usual type of languages are the SVO-languages that mostly use the word order subject-verb-object. These can have prepositions, postpositions or case endings without one being preferd. SVO-languages also are as likely to have preposed as postposed aqdjectives.

English is typical SVO-language. Other European languages, like the Romance languages, Scandinavian and German are of a more blended typology.


But the superficial syntax classification does not tell how word order is used, only what order the constituents of a sentence tend mostly to appear in. In some languages the word order is used mainly to show what is subject and object, in others mainly to distingwish what is thought about, and what is new information about that thought about.

When the word order does not tell what role some element play in the sentence, some other things must be present to tell that.

The sentence parts may have case affixes, prepositions or postpositions to tell the role. These methods and also word order to show role are by a common name called dependent-marking.

Other languages use affixes attatched to the verb that tell something about the subject and object that can identify them. This method is called head marking. Polysynthetic languages are automatically head-marking because of the verb inflection according to both subject and object.

In many languages head-marking and dependent marking are combined.

To illustrate how head-marking works, this simple example from Italian, that is partly head-marking can illustrate.

"The sentence "I see this" can be rendered as such: Vedo questo. The verb vedo has the ending -o, telling that the subject is first person singular. But if you turn around the word order, the verb must also have an object element attatched: "Questo lo vedo". The pronoun "lo" is written separatedly, but is really a prefix to the verb that tells that "Questo - this" is the subject.

In Spanish the direct object is head-marked according to the same rule as in Italian, but the Indirect object is always head-marked. Example: I gave the apple to the boy: Le dí la manzana al chico. "Le" is the indirect object prefix attached to the verb "dí- I gave".

By Knut Holt

To find more interesting information about science, psychology, physical health and sexuality, please see:



What are grammatical words, morphological words, phonological words, and lexical words

These terms ar probably not used consistently. Before one can really understand the terms grammatical and lexical words, one needs some basic theory and definitions first:
A morphological word is a combination of stems, prefixes and endings that constitute a unit that cannot be broken apart and the parts moved to other places without disrupting the meaning. The combination thus is a continuous unit. Also it has to be moved as a whole if one wants to move it. The constituents in the unit also have a fixed place that cannot be changed without changing the meaning. Sometimes a morphological word is a bare stem or another bare element that cannot be divided in smaller units.
Another term that is useful to know is “phonological word”. This is a sequence that is pronounced as a unit and can be followed by a pause. Often a grammatical word is also a phonological word, but a phonological word will often contain more than one grammatical words.
What is written as single words are sometimes grammatical words and sometimes phonological words without any clear rule.
A grammatical word is a morphological word with a grammatical function, like pronouns prepositions, conjunctions and many adverbs. many of these are short and canot be devided into smaller units. But the term will often be used about prefixes and suffixes too, that happen to be written separtely.
A lexical word is a meaningful element in the language listed in a vocabolary. For nouns, adjectives and verbs one usually list the bare stem or a simple grammatical word where the stem is easily recogizeable. Prefixes and endings are usually listed as separate elements.
One often use the term “lexicon” about the store of language elements in the human brain. One thinks that both bare stems, single elements, combination of elements and whole grammatical words can be stored, and that the brain will contain a mix that optimizes speed of using the language.

By Knut Holt

To find more interesting information about science, psychology, physical health and sexuality, please see:


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