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Subject: buy pain pills,adhd pills,anxiety pills,steroids and opiods online

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Date Posted: 05:24:12 06/22/21 Tue



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Subject: buy pain and sleeping medications online

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Date Posted: 09:33:33 06/02/21 Wed






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Subject: Schoolbooks for schools in Mukono, Uganda

John Bradford
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Date Posted: 04:15:38 05/15/17 Mon

Hope you enjoy my new blog sharing creative ways in which schools in Guildford, UK, can support schools in a very poor part of Uganda, including providing equipment for sports as well as school books for dyslexic students:


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Subject: Guildford Mukono Link Blog

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Date Posted: 08:26:23 03/28/17 Tue

Hi everyone,

Thought you might be interested to read all about the new work being done for dyslexic children in schools in Mukono, a part of southern Uganda, through the Guildford Mukono Link News Blog:


Lots of support for dyslexic children and adults taking place in these schools, supported by people in Guildford.


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Subject: Creative Thinking Magazine now published

John Bradford
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Date Posted: 12:29:50 11/22/16 Tue

Hi everyone!

Thought you might be interested to know about our new Creative Thinking Magazine, which is now published online here:


Hope you enjoy reading it!

John Bradford.


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Subject: Creative thinking to solve problems at college

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Date Posted: 09:37:40 07/31/16 Sun

Hi everyone, especially if you're a dyslexic stedent like me. Colege is a biiiiiiig struggle, esp writing essays. But I've found this blog of John Bradford's quite helpful. It's here -
John gets me tinking about my essay topic ffrom new angles i would nott have considerd before. I recomend it.



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Subject: NYC Dyslexia Interview Study - Participants Needed

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Date Posted: 16:06:36 11/27/13 Wed

Language researchers at the City University of New York (CUNY) are interested in interviewing adults with dyslexia. We want to know about YOUR experiences: how you feel about your diagnosis, your experiences at school/work, and the sorts of accommodations you may have received.


--Officially diagnosed with dyslexia (does not matter when you were diagnosed)

--If you have dyslexia as well as other learning issues (ADD/ADHD, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, SLI, etc.) you are also eligible to join

--At least 18 years of age

--Learned English before age 5


--According to your free times (mornings, evenings, weekdays, weekends, etc.)


--The study will be conducted at Brooklyn College; if you are a CUNY student, you may also have the option to be interviewed at the CUNY campus where you are a registered student



Please email nyc.dyslexia@gmail.com or call 347-446-7838 if you are interested or would like more information


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Subject: MBA Distance Learning and MCA Distance Learning

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Date Posted: 23:55:15 01/17/13 Thu

SSK College was established in the year 1999, in order to provide high quality education under the distance education method to students. The college focuses on students that wish to pursue higher education but are unable to attend the regular colleges due to various reasons. One other lot that benefits from the institution is the employed ones that look forward to qualify themselves for promotions and gain additional knowledge over their domain. - http://www.sskcollege.com

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Subject: Jolly phonics

Dawn Strachan
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Date Posted: 23:14:26 01/16/13 Wed

I have nearly finished the synthetics phonics now and have found it another really enjoyable course. I am bowled over with the quality and thought that must have gone into creating the Jolly Phonics program. However, does anyone know of a similar course aimed at slightly older children as I wonder how suitable this would be for an older child who is still needing help with the basics, for whatever reason. Would they find some of the actions condesending?

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Subject: Tactile learning

Dawn Strachan
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Date Posted: 14:31:52 01/16/13 Wed

Having read about teaching children sounds on the synthetic phonics course, I had an eureka moment. I child I know struggles to get her 'b' and 'd's the right way around. I made her a small case letter b and d out of felt and asked her to stick sequins and other bits onto the front of each. This gave her a tactile resource that she was able to hold and feel. Knowing the side with the different texture was the top and highlighted which way around the letter went. She loved idea and really enjoyed putting it together but it is too soon to decide whether it has been of benefit. I look forward to finding out...

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Subject: Need to talk?

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Date Posted: 10:24:35 09/28/12 Fri

Hi everyone,

My name is Julie and I am a psychology student writing a paper on the lived experiences of people who have dyslexia and the experiences they face within education systems. I am looking to talk to people to give an ear to their experiences and nothing more. The purpose of this paper is to give light to the experiences that people face, endure, struggle with, etc. without the normal psychobabble that comes along with diagnoses and so on. It will remain confidential as I have the most utmost respect for the privacy of your feelings, thoughts, values, and overall experience. What you can benefit from this interaction is an unburdening of the kinds of things no one has taken the time to listen to before. Hope to hear from you!

All the BEST!!!!


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Subject: NYC Dyslexia Research: Participants Needed

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Date Posted: 09:10:48 08/31/12 Fri

Are you interested in participating in research about DYSLEXIA?

Language researchers at Brooklyn College and The Graduate Center are looking for:
• People who ONLY HAVE dyslexia
• People who HAVE dyslexia as well as another learning disability or multiple learning disabilities (ADD/ADHD, dyscalculia, dysgraphia, etc.)
• People who DO NOT have dyslexia, but have a PARENT, SIBLING, or CHILD with dyslexia

Information about the Research:
• This study involves mainly verbal and reading tasks
• Duration: Approximately 2 hours
• Location: Brooklyn College

• Age criteria: between 18 and 35
• Language: learned English before age 5

• Individuals who participate will be compensated $20 ($10/hour)

Please email rel-haddad@gc.cuny.edu or call 347-446-7838 if you are interested or would like more information

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Subject: I think I might have Dyslexia.

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Date Posted: 11:58:55 04/17/12 Tue

Hi. I am a university student in my 4th year. I never really knew what dyslexia was until I saw something about it on a tv show. I have always got good grades, but I have a major problem with spelling and reading. I have trouble reading aloud and giving like presentations and stuff. I have trouble saying whats in my head.

I also have trouble just reading to myself. I just can't read anything longer than a few sentences without just... idk not absorbing it. I have no reading comprehension I guess is how I should put it. As hard as it is to believe I made it this far in school without ever really reading much of anything. I mostly did math/physics so I just did practice problems to study and I did well on the tests.

I also am a terrible speller. I have spellcheck on my mac for everything and I need it. For example words with like i,l.e,y in them I just can't seem to spell ever. Like "availability" or words like that. And I can NEVER spell people's names right.

I always complained about this to my parents, but they just didn't take it seriously and thought I was just lazy when it comes to reading or that I didn't like it. But reading is genuinely difficult for me.

But now my lack of reading ability is really becoming a problem in school and I don't know what to do about it. In higher level classes I am supposed to read all these papers and stuff, but I just can't. Do I just need to read more for practice? Or could I have dyslexia? I have no idea who to talk to or what to do about this. Does anyone have any advice?

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Date Posted: 12:50:33 12/12/12 Wed

I am the mother of a very bright and talented 17y old 11th grader who has hopes and dreams of futher education. I am looking for any resources, ideas, and support in this area. I have heard there are colleges that teach to the dyslexic mind. If you have not read "the Gift of Dyslexia" do!
Please forward me any reasourcew you have found helpful

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Subject: MCA-MBA-BBA-BCA Distance Learning Chennai

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Date Posted: 00:01:49 12/13/12 Thu

SSK College is one among the few that consider higher education still as a service rendered to mankind. The ISO certified institution strives to provide quality higher education to the Indian students via distant education mode.

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Subject: Dyslexia course

John Bradford
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Date Posted: 10:55:48 11/07/12 Wed

Readers with a child with dyslexia may be interested to know about the Dyslexia Certificate course which has been running for over ten years now. The course explains the symptoms of dyslexia and provides you with the techniques you need to support a dyslexic child or teenager. The course has been taken by over 2,000 students in over 80 countries, and we have received innumerable emails with positive feedback about the course. Do take a look at our Dyslexia website and send us an email if you have any questions.

John Bradford.



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Subject: Dance mat typing

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Date Posted: 11:59:43 02/14/12 Tue

I have found that using dance mat typing is a fun way to learn to type. You can use the link below
This is a bbc programme which uses a fun way for children or adults to learn to type. The sound, the animation and the fun element really do help. It teaches the children the correct fingers to use in a logical manner. Both dyslexics and non dyslexics can use it.

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Subject: dyslexia in africa

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Date Posted: 04:49:41 03/06/11 Sun

I went threw hell all my years in school and more is yet to come no one knows what dyslexia is not even our teachers. can you imagine the hell we students with dyslexia in africa go through' I would have only been very lucky to have known of it save for me going to medical school, but sill i can't find any help apart from this one from the internet which is very hard to access.

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Subject: Seeking help with choosing college

Norbert Szolnoky
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Date Posted: 23:48:34 09/21/12 Fri

Dear All,
I am a US citizen living in Japan and running an English school with my wife. Recently we received a new 18-year old student who has dyslexia and dreams of going to the United States to study at a university.

His mother has The Princeton Review's "K&W Guide to Colleges with LD" and we have looked into that for some basic information. It's a great guide but not enough for us to give proper support for this student's desire.

So I am asking help with the followings:

1. Is there a city where a good dyslexia support community exist locally especially for college-aged youth and where there's a university with good LD-support at the same time?
Since he would be a foreign student I think he would feel even more "out of place" so I think a good support community is essential to him.

2. He wants to study "physics" i.e. technology. Any recommendation for a good university with LD-support?

3. He will probably first need to go to an English prep school to be able to study at university level. Anyone knows an English prep school that can accommodate a dyslexic student?

4. Unfortunately Japan has a very poor LD support and many tests are not even available and he might have to do official diagnosis and documentation in the US. Can you recommend a good private clinic for official diagnosis and possible treatments?

Of course it would be fantastic if all four could be located at the same city or vicinity. And any other help/advice you could give for a foreign LD student trying to study in the US would be very appreciated :-)

I am sorry for the long message. If you would like to email me directly you can reach me at norbert.sayuri@gmail.com

Thank you a million in advance,
Norbert Szolnoky

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Subject: Academic Work From A Dyslexic Undergraduate...

Pierce Lohman (Courage)
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Date Posted: 17:10:35 09/07/12 Fri

To whom it may concern,

My name is Pierce Lohman. I have only been recognised as having dyslexia in my 2nd year at the University. Through my life, I have had many hardship due to either non-willingness or no opportunity to diagnose me. Nonetheless, I have still been able to do so much despite my condition.

I was told that it is not rare to meet families or even people with dyslexia, deciding that a path at the university is not an option. As such, I have written an atypical book where I share my difficulties. It is titled: "Academic Work From A Dyslexic Undergraduate...". I am positive that it is a great means to share that being normal or being dyslexic is no excuse for someone who has the will to take the path of academic. For more information, I invite you to have a look on the link ar.gy/1iTk or http://www.lulu.com/shop/pierce-lohman/academic-work-from-a-dyslexic-undergraduate/hardcover/product-20365839.html

I have nothing much to ask despite maybe an opportunity to share my book with your community. My only wish is to demonstrate that a career through university is meant for everyone.

Kind regards,

Pierce Lohman

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Subject: skills for living

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Date Posted: 04:52:10 06/20/12 Wed

Beyond reading and writing there is also practical help with everyday skills
that may need reinforcing. Gentle reminders will work better than than all-out
frustration that the child has forgotten to do something yet again... Setting an
alarm on a watch so that the child is prompted independently to do their music
practice, rather than being nagged by the parent, may be a simple solution to
keeping family relationships a little smoother.

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Subject: Free Computer Programes

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Date Posted: 07:21:54 06/22/12 Fri


here's a link to a toolbar one can download includes a variety of free computer programmes.http://eduapps.org/?page_id=7

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Subject: trust your instincts

Rebecca (happy)
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Date Posted: 04:34:28 06/20/12 Wed

trust your
instincts and dig deep into finding out how complex any difficulties are for
your child. Over seven years, six different teachers told me that my son wasn't
dyslexic, and that there was 'no cause for concern'. I was told that he was 'a
typical boy' and 'just being lazy'. But I still didn't believe them! However,
it is very hard to keep pushing against the wall of professional opinion, so we
paid for our son to be tested privately by an Educational Psychologist. At last,
this proved what I had suspected all along - that he had a high IQ, and

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Subject: Helping with maths

Dawn Strachan
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Date Posted: 17:38:39 06/16/12 Sat

Hello again, I've nearly finished the course now and enjoyed every minute of it.
Today I was reading about supporting children with Maths. The course talked about the difficulties a child may experience with sequencing and talked about putting numbers in order. With my own children where younger and other children I have worked with since, I have relied alot on "the fishing game". A series of paper fish on the floor with a paperclip through or attached to them. The player(s) hold a rod (a short stick with a piece of thread attached to one end and a magnet dangling from it). The purpose being to fish out the numbers in the correct order (1-10, 10-1, 1-100 in 10's,etc) in can be adapted in so many ways but because it is (I have found) such an enjoyable activity the children relax and are better able to relax and succeed. I have also used it like a pairs game with a sum on one fish and an answer on another and the idea been to fish out a sum and the appropriate answer, or with sequencing the alphabet or completely unrelated pulling out a word and its meaning, the options are endless but I hope someone may read this and be able to use it and find it helpful themselves.

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Subject: Any teachers who are dyslexic?

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Date Posted: 14:57:46 10/05/11 Wed

I was wondering if there were any teacher who are dyslexic who could give my some advice. I am a junior in college and I am expected to graduate may 2013. I will start student teaching next year. I am so nervous! I am on the deans list and receiving a scholarship for my grades. I was tested for dyslexia in elementary and have NO confidence when it comes to spelling. I can't tell left from right, I'm terrible with directions...I have just about all of the symptoms...

I was wondering what strategies you use to overcome some of the obstacles of dyslexia. I get so anxious and almost feel sick to my stomach thinking about having to write on the board in front of my future students. I feel like I have to spell check EVERYTHING! I was thinking about purchasing those little electronic dictionaries for my future students to use if they don't know how to spell something rather than relying on me every time.

I was also wondering if anyone else has had trouble memorizing their multiplication tables. I still use my fingers to count and have not memorize really any of them. They just don't stick to my mind! Does anyone know how to overcome this?

Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

Please feel free to email me! I will be able to see your response faster.


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Subject: dyslexia course, symptoms of dyslexia

Dawn Strachan
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Date Posted: 13:52:12 05/12/12 Sat

First thing is how much I am really enjoying doing the certificate in dyslexia course.
I did a similar course a few years ago when my daughter was (and still is) struggling with her spellings. I remember learning then that dyslexic children are often creative because of how their brain works. It is no wonder that dyslexic children may suffer from a low self esteem when you consider the difficulties they are faced with:
spellings, reading, visual tracking, their left and right, and so the list goes on.
Yet when you consider how many dyslexics have gone on to achieve such amazing feats when they nurture the talents that they have been blessed with and like stated in the book, maybe if these are nurtured in the right way we will be relying on dyslexics to carry our society forward.

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Subject: Dyslexia at School and University

Swiss_88 (Help)
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Date Posted: 09:29:35 04/28/12 Sat

Hello everyone,

I am a recent student who has just finished his undergraduate program. I really wanna point out that it is hard to finish such program with hardly any help beside what you can master in families and friends. It is hard but I am very happy to have been able to do so much.

I have even taken the time to publish some of my work I had written for the university. In it, you will find many grammatical and reasoning errors. However, I think it is a good means to understand the difficulties that dyslexic student at University and other schools have. This offers a lens for you as a primary source so that you can perceive some basis for any solutions that you wish to find. The book is called "Academic Work from a Dyslexic Undergraduate...".

If you want more information, click on the link: Support independent publishing: Buy this book on Lulu.

Or visit the link: http://www.lulu.com/shop/pierce-lohman/academic-work-from-a-dyslexic-undergraduate%E2%80%A6/hardcover/product-20090469.html

I wrote and prepared this book with the hope to help future university students to find some errors and attempt to correct themselves from the start by using the experience I have accumulated in this book.

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me. I would be more than happy to answer.



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Date Posted: 09:03:03 03/01/12 Thu



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Subject: Don't give up!

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Date Posted: 20:19:38 04/10/08 Thu

My mother was told when I was 12 that no kid making 90% in her classes could have dyslexia, there where wrong. At the end of grade 11 I was so stressed I went finally came out and admitted that I could read, and I need help. I was tested and found that I could only read and write at a grade 5 level but I comprehension was above university, explaining my good grade. In grade 12 when I was talking about going to university I was taken aside with a group of 'professionals' at my school and told that I could try but that I should look at going for 5-6 year and taking lighter class loads, that told me it would be to hard to do in four year. This month I will become the first member of my family to graduate university and I did it in 4 years.

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Subject: What colleges are the best for dylexi students

Dawn Haygood (Joy)
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Date Posted: 11:51:17 01/02/12 Mon


I would like to teach young children in school.
My problem is college Math, English, reading.
They tell me that I failed the entrance test every time.
How do I pass these, before I die I would like to teach children. I had one employment lady ask me (how did you fail)that was a 9 grade test. I can't stand it when someone try's to imply that I am dumb.

Please help

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Subject: Participants Needed for NYC Dyslexia Research

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Date Posted: 22:15:18 01/19/12 Thu

Are you interested in participating in research about DYSLEXIA?

Language researchers at Brooklyn College and The Graduate Center are looking for:
• People who ONLY HAVE dyslexia
• People who HAVE dyslexia as well as another learning disability or multiple learning disabilities (ADD/ADHD, dyscalculia, dysgraphia, etc.)
• People who DO NOT have dyslexia, but have a PARENT, SIBLING, or CHILD with dyslexia

Information about the Research:
• This study involves mainly verbal and reading tasks
• Duration: Approximately 2 hours
• Location: Brooklyn College

• Age criteria: between 18 and 35
• Language: learned English before age 5

• Individuals who participate will be compensated $20 ($10/hour)

Please email rel-haddad@gc.cuny.edu if you are interested or would like more information

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Subject: College for people with dyslexis

Trish Moore
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Date Posted: 12:49:48 04/20/09 Mon

Are there and Colleges out there for students with Dyslexia??????

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Subject: Positive features of Dyslexia

Jody Chevalier
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Date Posted: 10:31:49 01/15/12 Sun

CC loves science class because she gets to work with her hands. She also loves music class. She seems to be singing all the time. If there was a song for everything she had to learn I think she would like to learn more. I take care of a 35 year old man with Downs Syndrome and CC is my best helper. She is always making of him or helping him get a snack or taking care of him while walking from the car to the house. They both love to tease each other and he loves her dearly. He goes to watch her at basketball and then CC makes sure that she shoots hoops with him after the games. CC is in basketball, soccer, track and field. She loves to go outside and ride her bike, go hiking, go for a run with me, and is always willing to try something new as long as it has nothing to do with reading and writing!

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Subject: Search for older posts

Caryn Beukes (Frustrated)
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Date Posted: 08:23:57 12/02/11 Fri

How do I find the posts that I have made to see if there are any responses. Do I have to pay to join in order to do that? Do you need to pay to join the forum as I see contributions need to be made in order to complete the course. Thanks Caryn

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Subject: Dyslexia in College

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Date Posted: 12:49:51 01/05/11 Wed

My boyfriend and I are both sophomores at a small, prestigious liberal arts college, but he is dyslexic. I have always known that he struggles with memorization and completely conveying his knowledge on tests and quizzes, which results in mediocre grades. The only thing the college claims it can do for him is offer a separate room (free of people and excess noises) and extended time to take tests. That in itself doesn't help him much because he thinks he needs more time to learn the actual material, he can't absorb everything in 10 weeks. We are on the quarter system: 3 classes per 10 week quarter plus an exam week. He had been struggling along on borderline academic probation, C- or below don't pass, but not for lack of motivation or effort! He puts more time than anyone I know into his classes, and never takes time off on weekends to "unwind" in the same manner of many college students.

After a threat from his parents of being forced to transfer schools (despite loving it here), he decided to put every effort into last quarter's classes, attending every class (as always) and study session, but came out once again with two Bs and C. (I know this doesn't sound all that bad, but he has gotten at least one C every quarter, and that's borderline failing on our grade system.) Coming into college his dream was to become a doctor, but now his expectations have lowered because he can't get any positive reinforcement or his learning disability taken into consideration when people see his transcript. I suggested that he may still get into med school if he does internships and volunteers or participates in student organizations on campus, but even the catch-all student organization that helps with admissions (the one that even the people with bad reputations among students get into) denied him because of his GPA. He was absolutely crushed by that rejection, and I can't bear to see this downward trend continue.

Does anyone have any help or suggestions for me to support him - or anything at all that can be done?

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Subject: Passing to the next grade level

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Date Posted: 12:29:29 05/06/11 Fri

My daughter is 9 years old and it is possible that she has dyslexia. She will be tested in the beginning of the 2011-2012 school year and I am concerned that she is going to be in the 5th grade. I have let the principal know that I want her to be held back this year until we know for sure if she has dyslexia. I would really like some advise as to what to do in these cases. They dont want her to be held back to the 4th grade. They said it is better to move her to the next grade level to show her new things.

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Subject: Do I have dyslexia

Basem (Sad)
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Date Posted: 07:35:32 07/19/10 Mon

I'm 34 years old man. I achieved alot im my educational life BSc, MSc and I'm doung phd at the moment. as long as I remember I had peoblems with speling and reading. I can never read laod properly, I never red a book in my life. any application form that takes people 10 min will take me an hour. I have to write a cheuqe on a paper then copy it on the cheque to avoid mistakes. I always use microsoft word to write any e-mail then copy it. No matter how hard I tried to improve my reading and spelling I can never improve it and most of the time I have the same mistakes. until now I can not memorise the alfa bet (A, B, C....) and I tried very hard. I never momorised the multiblication table fully exept the small numbers. I have been hiding this problem all my life, but with increase the pressure of work and study, I'm finding these problems very diffecult to cope with. I'm not sure what to do. Please advice me. Thank you

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Subject: dyslexia

denise vassallo
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Date Posted: 07:00:31 10/31/11 Mon

l am sr.denise from malta l am dyslexia pls l am looking for help .

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Subject: Hearing

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Date Posted: 05:16:42 10/07/11 Fri

My daughter may have difficulty with auditory processing. I would like to have her assessed to establish if this is the case. Can anyone recommend who I might go to for this.

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Date Posted: 16:46:19 10/06/06 Fri


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Subject: Participants Needed for New York Dyslexia Study

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Date Posted: 13:39:34 09/25/11 Sun

Are you interested in participating in a study about DYSLEXIA?

Language researchers at Brooklyn College and The Graduate Center are looking for:
• People who HAVE dyslexia
• People with a PARENT, SIBLING, or CHILD with dyslexia
• People who DO NOT have dyslexia or any other learning disorders

Information about the Study:
• This study involves mainly verbal and reading tasks
• Duration: Approximately 2 hours
• Location: Brooklyn College

• Age criteria: between 18 and 35
• Language: learned English before age 5

• Individuals who participate will be compensated $20 ($10/hour)

Please email rel-haddad@gc.cuny.edu if you are interested or would like more information

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Subject: Help please

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Date Posted: 08:08:29 10/07/10 Thu

Im 20 years old and im researching on does the enviornment and educational system produces products of Dyslexia.......?

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Subject: Community College, ADA requirements and dyslexia

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Date Posted: 18:17:13 09/08/11 Thu

Heres a little background. I was able to get through high school with "ok" grades. I was tested my first year of college. I was attending a university and my mother thought my "bad" grades were due to laziness. I was diagnosed with ADD and dyslexia. It explained so much. After 4 years I am 3 classes from completing my associates degree. The community college I attend have changed disablity corridinators 3 times, I have had no help, let alone really known all the things that are out there till now. My college seems not to be complying with ADA requirements. So much so that the new Disability corridinator told me I dont have a disability, that i just have to work harder at reading then some and its not a disablity.
My question is, how would you deal with this. Im almost done but after leaving the meeting in tears I was ready to quit school. HELP!

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Subject: runtrp

college (http://www.collegeget.com/)
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Date Posted: 07:33:09 09/05/11 Mon


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Subject: Opinions and experiences required for project.

Linda (Hopefull)
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Date Posted: 03:05:23 10/14/10 Thu

I am in my final year at university and have to do a project. I strongly agree on the importance of early diagnosis of dyslexia, so all children access the same education without falling behind. I would be gratefull to hear from individuals over 18 on their experience within the education system: equality, labelling, school experience,age of diagnosis (if known) also did you feel the education system failed you and if further education was a way in which to procede where school did not...
I would like to thank all who respond and if my project is good enough I may get it published!!!!

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Subject: NEW

Catie (GRRRR)
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Date Posted: 22:58:26 08/31/11 Wed

Just wanted to check out this forum and see if it would be a cool place to post about some of my frustrations with dyslexia. College is such a different world. And I've realized so much about my feelings around dyslexia since I started college.

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Subject: Dyslexic?

Ehren (Confused)
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Date Posted: 09:20:06 08/18/11 Thu

Hi Everyone,
I've been coping with having trouble reading and writing since I was young. Just recently a teacher suggested to me, I might be dyslexic. What should I do? I've already been through all most all of my school life without help but it would be nice to know if dyslexia is the reason my test scores are always on the lower side.

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Subject: Does speed reading work for dyslexics?

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Date Posted: 12:39:46 07/24/11 Sun

My son just finished his first year in college and did "ok". I'd love any advice and suggestions for him learning to speed read.

Does it work with dyslexics? Will it make things worse for him? Thanks!

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Subject: Im Dyslexia will ever be able to attend medical school or follow my dream!!

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Date Posted: 21:22:46 07/19/11 Tue

IM a 25year old female who have adult dyslexia it took a while for me to accpect this disorder. I was able to graduate for high school, I alway knew that i wanted work in the healthfield, but knew it would be hard because i wasnt a good reader or speller, right now im in my jr year of college and will be uptaining a BA social science the only problem is that i want to attend medical school or pursue a MS in occupational therapy but im not sure i will be able to hardly the work. Also my family and friends doesnt know about my disorder PLEASE help what should i do, should i give up on my dream or follow it!! thanks

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Subject: New text display process may aid Dyslexics

H. Michael Sweeney (Author, Publisher)
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Date Posted: 09:40:12 07/13/11 Wed

I recently published a new book using a new display technology called ErgoText, which is both ergonomic and heuristic (improves learning power) in nature. At a recent convention showing the book two purchasers happened to be Dyslexic and announced (paraphrased) "Wow! I can read this no problem!" A bit of dialog convinced me aspects of ErgoText may hold a key to resolving Dyslexia and other reading issues.

So I contacted two other Dyslexics I knew and let the try it. They also said something similar. Between the four, there were three types of Dyslexics. Encouraged, I contacted the ErgoText inventors (ergodox.com) and as result they are offering a 'comparative reading challenge' - a kind of test for persons with reading difficulties (or not) to try to evaluate if the notion is true, and if so, to what extent, and to see if further scientific study or R&D is warranted to amplify or confirm any such ability.

To participate (about 5 minutes for normal readers) visit ergodox.com.

They are offering a free print-your-own writing paper to all who do participate, though one can choose to be anonymous if they wish. The writing paper uses the same technology principles and thus should make handwriting easier to read as well, especially as the writer gets used to it. My own handwriting is much better for it, I assure you.

If you want to know more about the book, it is a sci-fi called In Mindless Times - learn more at proparanoidpress.com, currently the only outlet for the book (ISBN number not yet published).

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Subject: what to do if your college won't work with your dyslexia

Shanley Wright (concerned)
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Date Posted: 10:54:09 10/05/09 Mon

My boyfriend is attending college in Texas and he is struggling with classes when it comes time for test taking. The classes are test based and he is in the process of taking the disability test to prove he is still dyslexic. Until then the college is not willing to help him in any shape or form, they tell him to go to the study sessions which he does but it just isn't enough. Does the university need to be putting in an effort to help him, or do they not have to offer any assistance? If anyone has any info or any tips concerning this situation please let me know I would really appreciate it, thank you!

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Subject: Teacher volunteers required by dyslexia centre in Malaysia

Ong PH
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Date Posted: 03:55:16 07/02/11 Sat

The Dyslexia Association of Sarawak in Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia runs a Learning and Resource Centre where intervention and learning support programmes for children with dyslexia are conducted.

We are looking for teacher volunteers. I wonder if there is a programme where volunteers can come and help us.
Thank you

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Subject: Bridge between HS and tech school

Donna O
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Date Posted: 18:34:13 03/29/09 Sun

Hello to all !
I am a homeschooling parent of a high IQ , moderately severe dyslexic son

He was diagnosed late- 7th grade. We live in Arkansas...
what more can I say

My son will sort of be a senior next year-- we had to take some time out from regular course work so that he could learn to read and learn math facts. He can also not write a paragraph
- much less an essay

I am needing a program to bridge the gap between high school and tech school ( he has no interest in a traditional 4 year college- i am fine with that)

We live in the southern US and would prefer to remain below the Mason Dixon line

I feel that my son probably needs about 1 to 2 more years of high school/ college type study to get him ready for his real career training

He is freakishly mechanically inclined and very creative
in that area (hates art)

I would love some suggestions !

Thanks so much
Donna O

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Subject: Tools

Anne Feringa
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Date Posted: 05:12:02 05/17/11 Tue

Hi there!

We are 5 students from the European Project semester at the UPC(Barcelona).
At the moment we are developing a tool which can be very usefull for people with a visual
impairment or dyslexia.
We would like to know, if and if yes, how students with dyslexia would use this tool.
For that we would like you to fill in a short questionnaire about this topic,
it contains 13 short questions and it will not take more than 2 minutes.

Thank you very much!


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  • Re: Tools -- Julie Murphy (happy), 17:05:15 06/02/11 Thu
Subject: accomadations for using the internet with dyslexia

Mary Nelson
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Date Posted: 11:11:16 05/29/11 Sun

I have looked all over the internet I have spent a lot of time probably trying to find the magic bullet and of course I have not found what I need. I need to know how to keep out of trouble on the net. It seems that I have particular difficulty in finding web sites that are readable and written well.
After giving this way to much thought I would love to know if the idea of having a relay webdsite would be helpful to dyslexic people.
color of site
participating proffesionals in cognitive sciences
computer specialist
reviews on best sites and allowing a forum where articles of the news can be added with terminology explained
I feel like your close to getting it. I am an artist who wants to be completive
art has it's own terminologies that I have not found to be addressed.
I am 61 and I feel sometimes that I did not graduate high school I have accomplished that and more still I feel left out. Thanks

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Subject: Broken link.

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Date Posted: 18:35:53 04/23/11 Sat


link to

University of Victoria, Canada - Writing Essays and Reports.

appears to be broken.

11:32 AM 24/04/2011 Eastern Standard Time Australia.

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Subject: Doctoral student needs your help!

Kerri Mercer
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Date Posted: 11:32:21 05/13/11 Fri

Help! I am a doctoral student at NC State and I need participants for my study! My study looks at how life experiences of students with learning disabilities influence attendance at community colleges.

If you are a currently enrolled community college student 18-23 yrs old with a learning disability (including ADD/ADHD) please contact me (kerri_mercer@ncsu.edu or kmercer74@gmail.com). You do not need to be local. I am giving participants a $50 gift card for their participation in the interview. The interview will be a maximum of two hours and we can conduct it by skype or phone.

Please contact me directly for more info. This study has been approved by my school's institutional review board for human subjects.

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Subject: 48 year old man ,that writes like a child!!!!

tony e graham
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Date Posted: 05:54:27 02/11/11 Fri

I went threw hell all my years in school with this.It really bothers me,when i have to sign my name on anything.Im just wondering if anyone out there knows any progams that might be able to help me with this.My writing,and math are a mess. Im willing to do anything,even if i have to sit in a class room with other kids. Its driving me crazy!!!!!!!!!

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Subject: Teaching IT to dyslexic adults

Ian Goodhew (Looking for guidance)
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Date Posted: 02:38:30 12/08/10 Wed

Hello, I am an IT trainer of many years experience but have been asked to teach two dyslexic adults who are struggling with their new "management" roles. Any guidance on a way of approaching this, particularly avoiding being condescending or patronising, would be a real help to me.
I also understand that the use of colour acetates helps with reading and would like to hear from anyone with experience of this, especially if it involves computer screens.
Thanks in advance for any help you can give

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Subject: Developing your child's reading skills

H Pogson
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Date Posted: 07:04:13 04/03/09 Fri

I'm currently studying for the certificate in teaching children and teens with dyslexia and working in a school as a learning support assistant. From my studies and work, I've put together ten tips which could be given to parents, to help them have enjoyable reading sessions with their child. The list could be easily kept on a fridge or notice board for ease of reference.

10 Top Tips for Enjoyable Reading Together:-
· Follow the First Golden Rule – tell them the word.

· Adopt the Second Golden Rule - pause, prompt, praise.

. Wait until the end of a line before correcting mistakes to allow time for self correction.

· Make a wide variety of genres of books available in your home, ensuring that the content will interest your child. Let your child choose what they read.

· Take time to read with your child – a quality ten minutes is better than a difficult half hour.

· Let your child see you enjoying reading books, magazines and news papers etc.

· Visit the library together.

· Read to your child, or try sharing the reading. Reading a sentence each, will help with the recognition of sentences.

· Listen to audio books together to promote good listening skills, which in turn will develop reading comprehension ability.

· And remember, praise your child’s efforts and their time spent reading, to encourage confidence and independence.

(Have fun reading!)

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Subject: Dyslexia in Adult Learners

Pat McHugh
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Date Posted: 03:49:36 04/08/11 Fri

I have learned some wonderful techniques and strategies for assisting dyslexic students during the course of this study. Yesterday however, I was saddened to hear of a dyslexic student who undertook an undergraduate course at our college a few years ago. She achieved well with the support of staff and fellow students and having gained her degree hoped to go on to work in the social work field.However the odds were stacked against her. She found working on a computer difficult and she cannot drive (she has severe problems with understanding directions). Few work places,if any would employ her in that field for these reasons and so she remains a care worker in a local care home. More needs to be done to support severe dyslexics in the world of work in the UK and beyond to help them realise their true potential.

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Subject: Help!

Steven Mcculloch (:/)
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Date Posted: 17:15:30 01/02/11 Sun

Hi,I was wondering if anyone who has dyslexia writes back to front.I am new to dyslexia I ask because a member of my family is dyslexic and when they write to me I have to use a mirror to read what is actually written.As a child she had one to one teaching for her dyslexia but was told that she had a short attention span...since then we have had tutors in to try and help her but she gets aggressive because she can't understand what's in front of her.I have a friend who is a teacher and is prepared to help her but I am worried in case the same happens again,just wondered if any one else had similar experiences all help and tips would be greatly appriciated...thanks Steven.

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Subject: Calculators

Pat McHugh
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Date Posted: 04:23:01 04/08/11 Fri

While many teachers disapprove of children using calculators in the classrooms, I believe, in view of all I have learnt about dyslexia and confidence building during this course, that they are an excellent aid to learning and providing reassurance in a possibly stressful environment. To feel relaxed handing in homework which they themselves have been able to check over, must remove a great deal of anxiety.

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Subject: maths help

pat McHugh
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Date Posted: 04:15:52 04/08/11 Fri

I can see that the visual quality of the examples given to teach multiplication to a dyslexic child would work very well, in the light of all the material i have been reading in the manual so far. I like the idea of collecting anything that makes a natural pair....knife and fork, gloves, cup and saucer perhaps. It seems to me that this is a simple but effective way to count 'pairs of' and a great way to break through the initial barrier that many children, not only dyslexic children, find difficult to fathom.

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Subject: Irlen syndrome

Pat McHugh
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Date Posted: 03:39:03 04/08/11 Fri

Having almost come to the end of my course, I wish that as much information had been around a number of years ago when my son was having trouble concentrating at school and was sometimes disruptive in class, acting like the class clown! He did not appear to have any of the classic symptoms of dyslexia but he took ages to read any texts put in front of him and they made his eyes hurt. I was very lucky to have a friend who's child had been diagnosed with the Irlen syndrome and she put me in touch with a clinic which provided Mark with tinted glasses. Now I would say that one of the symptoms I observed was Mark's habit of turning his head sideways to view something or someone on front of him, to get them in his line of vision. To me it is a telltale sign now but there was little information on the subject o be had at that time.

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Subject: Parents are key role players

Kas Govender (Happy)
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Date Posted: 02:33:30 03/11/11 Fri

Hello, As a teacher in a school for children with dyslexia, I firmly believe that it is important that you as parents learn about your child’s learning styles so that you are able to acknowledge your child’s challenges and are confident to be supportive and positive. As parents you should avoid failure situations at home as the child gets enough of that elsewhere. Home must be a safe place, so don’t show anxiety if you can possibly avoid it – it adds to their feeling of inadequacy. Rather offer praise when they make an effort as praise motivates them to keep on trying. Parents, you are able to provide relevant information about your child’s life and you are key partners/stakeholders throughout your child’s school career. Parents can get adequate information on how to work/collaborate with educational institutions and teachers, for example, Finding Help When Your Child Is Struggling in School, From Kindergarten Through Junior High School, by Lawrence J. Greene (olden Books, 1998) or Straight Talk About Reading, How Parents Can make Difference During the Early Years by Susan L. Hall and Louisa C. Moats, ED. D Foreword by G. Reid Lyon, Ph.D, Chief, Child Development and Behaviour Branch, National Institute of Health, (Contemporary Books,1999). Providing the right type of support both in school and at home and help to a child with dyslexia is key to their success!

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Subject: Depress

Annette M (Sad)
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Date Posted: 21:04:50 12/20/10 Mon

Hello, I'm 48 years old. I just last my job of four years. People at work where calling me blonde and treading me like I was stupid.I have aways hid my dyslexia. I have trouble read and writing sentence. I feel so depress that I lost my job be for the Hoildays. I have been working with a tutor for two years.I feel that I have not learn nothing and I'm still the same that can't read or write. Please can someone give me suggestion.

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Subject: I can help

Nadia Ustinova (dyslexia)
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Date Posted: 08:41:56 02/25/11 Fri


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Subject: Education Crossing

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Date Posted: 02:04:40 08/21/10 Sat

Would you like to have a fast track Education job ?

As a hard-working and dependable natural leader, you have always wanted to do things "right". In many ways, teacher jobs are very rewarding in the professional and personal sense of the word. Our mission is to research and consolidate jobs from every education career page, company and organization career page, and every other source we can find. Our dedicated staff of job researchers has no tolerance for inefficiency or incompetence. We want to make sure you know about every possible job opening in the sales field.

In order to ensure that we bring you unbiased results and meet our own high standards, we will never accept any money from an advertiser for job postings. The job listings you see are the results of our own exhaustive research and will never be influenced by outside sources.
We give you the tools to pursue your career options in an ordered, structured and thorough manner.

Be a seeker of Educations job you can find more information @ EducationCrossing.com


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Subject: Learning Techniques To Graduate College

Richard McDonald
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Date Posted: 10:52:35 01/25/11 Tue

I developed a variety of learning techniques when I wanted to attend college but had a D average in High School.
Learn how I graduated with a 3.8 GPA in Creative Writing (English) from the University of Washington. This includes how I passed Algebra 101 (which I had failed in High School) with my one and only A in any math class, ever.
Visit my blog and go to the topic: Dyslexia Days for techniques.
If clarification is needed please write to me at:

Blog: dyslexiamoon.blogspot.com

my best, Richard McDonald

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Subject: Dyslexia and being a law student

Sharon (angry and frustrated and fed up)
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Date Posted: 07:49:14 12/03/10 Fri

Dear all, as I made a millionth attempt to write a law exam assignment, I suddenly thought, what is I google dyslexic law student, so I did and came across this site. I am now 50 year old and continue to pursue a law degree. I have been studying law since 1994 - A level law to LLB Law(Hons). I was diagnosed with dyslexia in 2008, and what a relieve to know that there was something wrong with me that was making constantly work and study so hard but yet fail or get low pass grades. My experience through out my studies have been very negative and was told on several occaisions to learn something else. Are there no dyslexic lawyers in the world? Is learning the law beyond us? I will pursue because I am committed but the struggle and negativity is very wiring. Please is anyone knows of any tips or similar circumstances please let me know, for self assurance.
Thanks Sharon

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Subject: consintration

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Date Posted: 03:56:35 06/17/04 Thu

Hi all,
I was wonedring if anyone had any advice for very bad consintration? I have severe dyslexia and suffer from bad consintration which can be very bad at times.
I was also wondering if anyone also had truoble with balance? mine is terrible , i have heard that learning balancing techniques can improve the effects of dyslexia, has anyone tried this? and does it seem to work?
Julie :)

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Subject: "American Wordspeller" on Android - Spelling

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Date Posted: 23:36:20 12/22/10 Wed

Why is everyone creating a buzz about Oregon allowing spell checkers for tests in K-12? Here's one reason...over 1/5th of the people in America are challenged in some respect with the English language. Simply consult the latest US Literacy Survey.
The English language is the only language in the world which has made no reforms in over 150 years. Our language is referred to as a non-shallow orthography. Which means, letters do not match their sounds. That there are over 20 ways to spell the 'ough' sound, 13 ways to make the 'sh' sound, loads of silent letters and miles of exceptions to the rules is all compounded when logic wants to rule. Does anyone have anything to add to this?

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Subject: Spelling

Alison (Confused)
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Date Posted: 23:42:06 08/30/10 Mon

How do I teach spelling to a dyslexic adult?

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Subject: Referral for Testing in Milwaukee, WI

LG Shanklin-Flowers (Frustrated)
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Date Posted: 11:57:48 12/20/10 Mon

My daughter was tested for dyslexia and was accommodated throughout her 4 years of college. She is now wanting to take the GRE and needs to be retested. Unfortunately, the One-on-One program at Alverno College who did her previous testing is no longer operating.

I am seeking a reputable testing organization in which their results will be recognized and accommodations will be allowed.

Thank you.

LG Shanklin-Flowers

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Subject: Web site text-only view

Ian Williams
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Date Posted: 06:07:40 11/21/10 Sun

I'm not a dyslexia sufferer but I've been told that some web sites can be difficult for dyslexics to read. This problem, as I understand it, can be caused by general clutter and colour schemes.

I have developed a free internet tool, Textise, that can convert most web pages into text. The tool also allows the user to configure font, font size and colour scheme. Once in the "text-only" view, all links go to similarly "textised" pages.

There's also a Firefox add-on for the tool that makes it easy to flip into text mode from the right-click menu or the toolbar.

I'd be really interetsed to know if dyslexia sufferers can benefit from Textise.

You can get to Textise at www.textise.net. The Firefox add-on can be downloaded from https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/12145.

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Subject: Speech Recognition Software and Paper Writing

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Date Posted: 09:37:34 04/09/10 Fri

I am a graduate student who was diagnosed with dyslexia at age 23. That has been years ago, but my main struggle has been in the area of writing papers (which is becoming more and more a focus in my work). I have been recommended to use speech recognition software for years, but every time I try to use it for writing a paper it feel like it is more of a pain.

Does anyone know of any papers or websites that have a good methodology for writing (preferably non-fiction) papers with
speech recognition software?


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Subject: testing

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Date Posted: 12:40:46 09/08/10 Wed

I'm looking for testing that will be accepted by the community colleges in Alabama. We have had our student tested and diagnosed by a local person trained in diagnosing dyslexia, but it was not sufficient according to the school our student is attending. Any ideas???

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Subject: Dyslexia and English as a Second Language

Mary (Slowly becoming enlightened!)
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Date Posted: 04:23:29 10/17/10 Sun

Hi - my great nephew came to live with us when he was 5 years old. He did not speak English. To begin with I thought his difficulties with phonic recognition, pronunciation and reading were to do with his not speaking English as his first language. Phonics in his own language (Shona) is different, obviously from English phonics. Only in the last few months have I begun to realise that he is dyslexic and a recent hearing test as well as being tested by an educational psychologist has confirmed this. It has taken me 7 years to realise this and I feel rather guilty that I did not pick this up earlier and get him assistance at an earlier age. Has anyone else experienced this confusion between dyslexia and second language learning? If so, at what stage did you realise that the child was dyslexic?

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Subject: Dyslexic Teacher

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Date Posted: 23:03:01 10/02/10 Sat

I am an elementary dyslexic school teacher that understands and gets the frustrations of my students. My biggest frustration getting thought college was I repeated classes and the degree I got took me 8 years where if other students put in the same time and effort it would have taken them 3. While I was student teaching I let my master teacher (the one from the college that observes and grades you) know I was dyslexic. She asked me what I found to be my biggest difficulty to be and I told her spelling. I was open that there were times in the classroom I use a spell checker in front of my students. She passed me however in her letter of recommendation she felt the need to mention my lack of spelling ability. I learned to keep my dyslexia to myself in the education world. Now in my 7th year teaching its hard to stand by and watch student struggle with other teachers who may sympathize with the student but just don't GET IT. I wish more then anything I could get other teachers to GET IT. I have even watched a dyslexic dad fight for his dyslexic son in a meeting knowing walking out at the end of the meeting nothing was going to get better because the other teacher in the room just has no Idea what it is like to stuggle to learn. She has a master in special education like so many others that just don't get it. In an ideal world I would teach only dyslexic studets at my own school. That is not the case and I was not born into money. So I am now going back to school which I do not enjoy going (love to teach) to get a master in special education. My pray is a discover a way to get non dislexic teachers to understand the frustration of the student and hopefully find or make better accomidation for us. A state funded dyslexic school in the state of california. That would be cool!

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Subject: re-eval to qualify for college services?

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Date Posted: 17:03:30 08/25/10 Wed

My daughter was diagnosed with dyslexia in 4th grade from Scottish Rite in Dallas, TX and is now a 1st year college student attempting to get services from her college. They say they can only help her for 1 semester unless she has been re-evaluated recently to show she is still dyslexic. Does this make sense or sound familiar to anyone? They gave her names and fees of local people who would do testing on her. Is this law in Texas?

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Subject: Soon to be nurse...help...

Nurse (So sad)
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Date Posted: 20:16:20 10/25/10 Mon

Well, i got diagnosed only 12 months ago. I am about to graduate from nursing school and still don't have a clue what to do. I will be required to take report on patients quick and understand medical charts in a very quick timely manner. I don't know what to do... I have not been testing well and feel like i have tired it all. :( whats the next step?? any suggestions??

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Subject: dyslexia = bad social life?

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Date Posted: 11:46:48 11/13/10 Sat

I recently started getting special treatment (extra time accomidation for tests) and now my classmates are treating me differently and distancing themselfs from me. It is a small program 12 students and I will be with the same 11 classmates for the next 2 years. I don't want a social wedg between me and them, but if I dont get the extra time on tests I will fail. How do I make this work?

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Subject: visual cues for spelling

Claudia Goodman
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Date Posted: 08:46:12 11/08/10 Mon

When teaching spelling I always draw a lot of coloured pictures, some of these ideas I have seen in books but others I have made up. A visual reminder of, for example, the word ‘ rabbit’ with the two b’s as its long ears. ‘What’ has a hat and ‘ when’ turns into a hen. Say ‘ w – hat’ and ‘w –hen’ ; so verbal, auditory and visual. We can also make/build the letters (kinaesthetic/tactile)

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Subject: Teacher training

Ian Hemmings
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Date Posted: 10:45:27 03/02/10 Tue

Hi all first time I have found this site. I am a 34 year old dyslexic that has managed to get to the final interview stage of a P.G.C.E course on the Open University. I was wondering if there are any fellow dyslexics out there who are qualified teachers that could give me any advice on how to pass the interview to get onto the course and get into a career I have always wanted to do. I am hoping to be teaching secondary school children in the subject of Geography.

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Subject: How to text book in e-books or read out loud on my own.

Patty (Help me for i can stay up in collage class)
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Date Posted: 23:51:01 09/26/10 Sun

How do you get text books read out loud to you? or how to see if a text book is on mp3 or e-book?

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Subject: scholersips

Nicole Kamholz
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Date Posted: 15:31:52 09/17/10 Fri

need help finding ones for my daughter...she is a very hard worker

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Subject: new public awareness video campaign for dyslexia

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Date Posted: 11:04:46 09/16/10 Thu

In Canada we just launched a dyslexia awareness video series on YouTube to put a face on this prevalent learning disability. The 3 minute videos each feature personal stories from individuals with dyslexia plus a call to action for people to get involved!
Please click the link to see the videos:

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Subject: Childrens Worksheets

Kate Hyland
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Date Posted: 12:35:32 08/17/10 Tue

I have recently completed substitution days in a primary school and I am extremely in favour of the idea of giving the dyslexic child a dot on an incorrect answer,rather than a cross, giving the child a second chance to correct the problem. It hugely motivated the children, and the peers didn't seem to mind. I would recommend it to any teacher in a learning situation with a dyslexic child.

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Subject: A multi-sensory approach to spelling

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Date Posted: 13:06:23 09/13/10 Mon

A dyslexic pupil I taught found learning to correctly spell the colours: red, yellow, blue, green, orange, purple, white, brown and black extremely challenging. To help the pupil succeed I approached the task in a number of ways.
• I gave him a poster I had made to place by his bed at home with a picture of children at a park, which was only drawn in grey. The children were only dressed in one colour with that colour written on their T-shirt.
• I got the pupil to type the name of each colour in lots of different fonts and print them in that correct colour.
• To grab the correct plastic letters in the right spelling order out of a basin of water.
• To fish for each letter using a card and magnet game.
• To write the name of colours in large chalks on the playground.
• To make each word out of appropriately coloured pipe cleaners.
• To complete word searches on each colour in the correct coloured felt tips.
I am thrilled to say the pupil is now able to spell all of the colours correctly.

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Subject: Certificate course

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Date Posted: 01:00:42 08/23/10 Mon

Hi, I am on the last module in the certificate strand of the dyslexia course. Even though the course was clear and informative I feel I understand dyslexia but on a general level would not be able to teach. I have learnt a lot of strategies but would I need to do the advanced course to be able to teach a child with dyslexia.

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Subject: Dyslexia Treatment - Alternative Learning Strategies

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Date Posted: 22:55:38 08/26/10 Thu

Dyslexics are naturally more creative than non dyslexics. The site details the Differences between Dyslexic and Non Dyslexic brains, and how Dyslexics can really do well in academics by using alternate "paths" in their brain.

Clink on the link below - It's a fantastic work on "Dyslexia Treatment - Alternative Learning Strategies"


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Subject: Except who you are

Janie (thankful to finally know)
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Date Posted: 20:14:06 08/23/10 Mon

At 62, I just found out why I an the way I am............Yeah my mind works faster than my mouth..........everything I say and do is backwards..I can write but can't talk,words come out backwards or can't find the words to express what I want to say....................
We drove to Dallas last week and I could not keep up with the GPS..(just give me one command at a time).
I write my F and E's backwards............didn't know it..my whole life no one told me ............my husband made a comment "why do you write your F's and E's backwards?"...........
I have no self esteem.......none...........I believe I am also ADHA..........so guess I am screwed............
I believe children who are this way should be told they are NOT stupid......that they just have to learn in a different way, they need hope to push them forward sometimes that is all there is left to make them feel valued when kids make fun.............it's very hard for children like this , they will struggle their whole life unless they except who they are.............blessing to all......Janie

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Subject: Effective learning strategy

Kate Hyland (V helpful for younger kids)
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Date Posted: 14:27:14 07/15/10 Thu

As a trainee techer I recently completed a number of substitution days in a local primary school. On entering the classroom I was pre-warned as to the children who had special learning difficulties e.g. dyslexia. One learning syrategy that I found to be extremely effective eas in the form of 'keyrings'. As noted in the course dyslexic children find it particularly difficult to visualise abstract words i.e. words that make up the dolch list e.g. went, again, sit of live. The keyring idea was based on a no. of these words being laminated, and fixed onto the keyring, which was then buckled to the childs belt. That way as the child went through their dauly routine, e.g. luchtime, the teacher could ask "show me the word very". The child would then have to find that particular word, thus reinforcing the visualisation of the word. I found this to be particularly effective and the kids loved it too.

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Subject: Dyslexia at college - Amazing

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Date Posted: 23:36:45 08/06/10 Fri

I think anyone that has dyslexia and is actually attending college has proven a lot to themselves and to many other people. So many times there are people out there that want to improve life or that have low self esteem and need to know how to build self esteem that they forget that there are others who are already taking a disability and still finding ways to achieve and succeed.

If only everyone could learn to think positively, work hard, and decide to make a difference in and change their lives...how much better would the world be then?

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Subject: Inquiry about Dyslexia

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Date Posted: 10:35:27 10/12/09 Mon

Hi I am a student at the University of Louisville and I am researching Dyslexia. I was wondering if any of you would mind telling me your personal story of dealing with Dyslexia. I am working on a degree in education and want to be aware of the disability so that I can help students with it in the classroom. If you would like to share your story with me please e-mail me at j0lewa01@louisville.edu. Thanks

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Subject: any research on students suffering with dyslexia the high levels of stress/ anxiety they suffer?

Sandra (Stressed!!! Anxious!!! and very tearful)
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Date Posted: 12:31:16 05/06/10 Thu

I really need to know if there are any journls that have proven a link to the high levels of stress/anxiety people like me suffer, more than a "normal" student, when studying an accadmic course.

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Subject: after high school now what?

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Date Posted: 11:01:23 04/28/10 Wed

My son will graduate in June. He is severly dislexic. What can he do now? He needs some direction and career but going to college is impossible with the required courses. Voc-Tec schools require the TABE test-not sure he can pass the reading part of that test. He likes computers and electrician possibly.
Any advice out there for us?

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Subject: Help Please

IrishKim (? >:-()
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Date Posted: 03:39:39 09/22/09 Tue

Hi, I am 20 years old and in my final year at uni. Last week, i was labeled dyslexic. I have alot of difficulty in writing and spelling.

Could someone please help me and tell me what i could do now to help me....
I have contacted my uni, however they are of little help and support. What should they be offering me??????

kind regards :)

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Subject: ACT test

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Date Posted: 14:17:38 04/27/10 Tue

I'm wondering if there are time modification for dyslexic students when they take the ACT test.

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Subject: diaploma

theresa walters (dyslexia)
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Date Posted: 23:46:21 03/25/10 Thu

hello i want to get myy high schooldiaploma can anyone help me.

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Subject: The use of ICT resources to support learning

Maphorisa Tawa (Jouyfull)
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Date Posted: 16:42:06 04/21/10 Wed

Hello! I am a student teacher at Francistown College of Technical and Vocational Education,Botswana.I am in the field of auto mechanics so I need your assistance on the advantages and disadvantages of using ICT resources to support learning.

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Subject: Dyslexia scholarship information

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Date Posted: 09:41:26 03/13/08 Thu

Hey Im trying to find scholarships for people with with Dyslexia, like myself. so if you find any information please post it! thanks

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