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Subject: Re: craft name

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Date Posted: 20:57:58 07/27/03 Sun
In reply to: Natasha 's message, "craft name" on 10:03:30 07/02/03 Wed

>Hey, I am curious my craft name is Tatum, is it a bad
>name because I am not Native American? Also, can you
>tell people your craft name? And my friend's craft
>name is Isis, is that bad since Isis is a egyptian
>Goddess? I'm 14 and confussed, thanx for listening.

Well, i am young also but from what i know your friends name isnt bad at all this is what i have learned about her

****As a winged goddess she may represent the wind. In the Osiris legend there are references to Isis wailing and moaning like the wind. She is also continually travelling up and down the land in search of her lost husband. Upon finding Osiris' body, she takes the shape of one of the swiftest birds, a kite. Flapping and darting above his dead body she wails in mourning. She restores life to Osiris by flapping her wings and filling his mouth and nose with air.

Isis was a great enchantress, the goddess of magic. Together with Thoth, she taught mankind the secrets of medicine. She was the embalmer and gaurdian of Osiris. She is often rendered on the foot of coffins with long wings spread to protect the deceased.She is seen as a dutiful wife, a grieving widow and as a protector of the dead.****

I hope that i have givin some assistance to you,good luck with anything else you can alwayz ask me!
merry meet merry part intil we marry meet again!!!

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Re: craft nameductape12:05:14 05/05/05 Thu

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