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Subject: >:) Re: This is a great idea!

Duane Pesice
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Date Posted: 03:29:43 02/04/01 Sun
In reply to: Mike Bell 's message, "Re: This is a great idea!" on 16:11:18 02/03/01 Sat

>Thanks! I may be looking for submissions soon. I plan
>to expand this site... not sure what shape it will
>take yet. I do think that the time for a Mythos/Occult
>massage board is well overdue.
Agreed. But unless you are implying the McLuhanesque, it is time for a Mythos/Occult "message board" (courtesy of the phantom spellchecker:-))
>>I was wondering if anyone out there even knows if the
>>Esoteric Order of Dagon is around anymore. I think
>>some posts in the newsgroups was the last thing and
>>the email addresses in them are dead. It would just be
>>nice to know so I can quit looking.
>I'm not altogether sure. This, I think, is due to the
>structure of the EOD. I have never been a member so I
>can't speek for them directly but they follow the
>alchemical formula of Solve et Cuagula. This means
>that when the present director of the order goes in
>grand magickal retirement the order goes into a period
>of silence - the order is dissolved. At the end of
>this period he or she appoints a new director and the
>order is formed again with all new members. They are,
>for all practicle purposses a whole new order. A while
>back there was a major scism. On one side the Yaddith
>Lodge - comprised of former directors - wanted to
>retain it's autonomy yet affiliate with the Typhonian
>OTO. On the other a new director was appointed without
>a period of silence. This made it's way to
>alt.horror.cthulhu, met with downright hostility from
>subscribers. I was sad to see this, but it seems that
>there is a long legacy of this within occult schools.
>Both the Golden Dawn and the OTO have fought their
>internal battles in court-rooms at times. If any
>members or former members are reading this, I hope I'm
>not being in any way offensive. Please correct me if
>I'm wrong on any of these points.

I believe the EOD is still around...various people attest to being members. Yaddith Lodge was given the short shrift at ahc because of their frequent argumentativeness and holier-than-thou attitudes-this was happening just as I was beginning to lurk at the group. The hostility wasn't due to their presence but their material. AHC is considered a community of equals, at least in theory...
>If you keep tabs on both Ebay and alt.horror.cthulhu
>you may find someone selling EOD chapbooks. It happens
>now and then. Much of the material in these is posted
>on Phil Hine's web site.

But unfortunately not the material I am eternally searching for, which has little to do with the subject(s) of your site.
>>I know that some chaotes sometimes use the Mythos as a
>>paradigm or magick system, but I was curious as to if
>>there are any religious cults based on the great old
>>ones. Not that I would subscribe to one system or
>>paradigm but I think there would be some great stuff
>>to learn from a group dedicated as full time followrs
>>of the great old ones.
>I think so too. I'm sure I will not always be working
>with the Cthulhu Mythos. I guess I don't know what
>direction my magic may take. It seems that what I'm
>doing now just happened and has a life of it's own. I
>at some point tapped into a current and feel I hit a
>major vien.
>>Anyway things look good for this site.
>Thanks again. I hope this board become a good source
>of information. Not just from myself but others
>wroking within this paradigm. I always have more to

I haven't yet been able to uncover any actual religious groups based on Mythosian themes, despite extensive searching. Fictional ones are another matter.
The site looks great, Mike, and the message board is a stroke of genius. Please let me (and by extension, the other contributors to my various sites) know if and when you are considering the subject of articles about Chaos Magick, the relation of such to the Cthulhu Mythos, and other similar subjects. It is certain that we can drum up some interesting and thought-provoking works in that area.

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