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Subject: InfraRed stream.......

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Date Posted: 09:37:10 04/06/06 Thu
Author Host/IP: cpe-66-67-159-239.rochester.res.rr.com/


I am trying to record in a IR pulse stream on a PIC16F628, I have a good IR DeModulator that is giving me a good 5v pule out (without the 40kHz carrier)and I can send out a good 40kHz stream. I know it works because I can tie the IR input to the IR output directly and using a IR remote can turn on and off a TV. The problem I am having is trying to record in a pulse stream. I have tried a few diffrent ways to do it but have had no success. The way I thought would work good is using the shiftin command and storing the bits in a storage register and then sending out the same storage register with a shiftout command in PBP but I get nothing out of it. I would like to be able to record in a remote IR signal (from any 40kHz remote) and be able to play it back with a button press. I have spent about 40 hours trying to get this working but have had no success. Now I am not too familiar with assembly in a pic (I am good with assembly for an 8051 processor)How would I go about an assembly program to shift in the command (I know this would be faster than the PB code)

Thank you,


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