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Date Posted: 20:36:43 02/15/03 Sat
Author: Zandramas
Subject: Re: Obsidian Conference
In reply to: Zandramas 's message, "Obsidian Conference" on 19:25:23 02/09/03 Sun

Zandramas immediately flashed onto her feet, the cutting edges of her curved blade slicing through the air. The lizard that had been but a metre away from Pherion gurgled, toppled and then landed heavily. Her steps took her to the other three that had been approaching, a slight ring of steel shining through the air as one of her daggers seared through water and air and into a scaled chest. Another upslash rips the third lizard through the stomach, ribs and throat, before she whirls and promptly beheads the monster behind her, blocking his slash with a dagger to Pherion with her thigh. The dagger rips down her flesh before rebounding off the steel guards. She then turns to look at the frightened little creature, realising that it speaks. She kneels and then wipes her blade on the body of a lizard and retreives her dagger. The blood trickling down her boot and leg mixes into a puddle, while she turns to look at the remaining few escaping. They were shot down by the arrows of the watchtowers. Zeth came scurrying down to her, before she held up a hand for him to stop, casting a small glance at the escaping creature.

"All forgiven, no hurt." She told it, before looking back to Zeth and beckoning him to approach very, very slowly.

"What is it?" He whispered, flicking his dark eyed glance at Pherion.

"I'm not sure," Zandramas replied, "I've seen very few creatures that resemble it. I don't think it's dangerous."

"Nothing's dangerous to you," he snorted, before glancing down at her leg. "You're getting slow or fat or something."

"I blocked an attack on the creature with it." she flicked a playful glare at him. "So don't say I'm getting fat until you notice my rear getting bigger."

He grinned, "That's more like you. What are you planning to do with the thing?"

Zandramas flicked a small glance at Pherion, before squatting and holding out her hand, palm flat. "We'll leave that up to him. Go back Zeth, your presence will only disturb it."

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[> Re: Obsidian Conference -- Pherion, 09:09:39 02/16/03 Sun

Pherion departs in a blinding flash that streaks through the fog and bursh upon the first swing of the blade form the woman. The spead was nearly as fast as the blades movment itself. He always had a fear of those with blades and now he was sure it was nothing more then a trap. Another hunter seeking his pelt.

Miles away in only seconds, Pherion pauses to collapse exausted by a large group of rocks near ababbling stream, his heavy breath suddenly overtaking him as his heart needed the oxygen to keep him from passing out. What sort of mind would it take to navigate hundreds of trees and fallen branches at such a speed? Only that of something rare...

[OOC: please cut off your prior post after you draw your blade so I may actualy be able to react as my character would have. Note I was prepaired to flee as well. It was posted in my previous post. Thanks hun.]

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