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Date Posted: 20:17:37 02/16/03 Sun
Author: Zandramas
Subject: Re: Obsidian Conference
In reply to: Zandramas 's message, "Obsidian Conference" on 19:25:23 02/09/03 Sun

Zandramas blinked as she realised the creature had gone, before sighing and rising. Her blood spills onto the floor, and she gave it an irritated glance before placing a hand to it. A Hellish red glow clung to her leg like some demonic hand, before disappearing and leaving her without the wound. She snorted slightly and glanced at the encampment.

Zeth looked at her. "What are you thinking?"

"I'm thinking it's time to leave," She told him, watching the people fend off the lizards well enough without them. "You stay, Zeth, you've helped me enough this lifetime." She smiled sadly and clasped his hand in hers. "Make a name for yourself - and live well." She then looked at the four graves. "And look after them." She then turned and approached one of the horses, swinging herself onto it's back with the sinews of one ready to face anything.

"I always knew you'd leave," He smiled, looking up at her and untying her horse from it's picket. "You never were the socialite of the world. Go alone, Lady of the Blades, and go to your freedom."

"When I am free, I'll come back," She told him, "When I fly again, I'll return and finish what we started. Watch the sky for the flames of victory and avenged pain." She then wheeled her animal and began to gallop away, with Zeth standing and watching her with a sad expression, before he turned to a group of approaching lizards and ran to attack them.

She kept moving, her horse swift and moving with all his strength. After perhaps a league, she halted her mount and looked around. A stream ran across one area, and she led her horse over to it to allow it to drink. She took a cupped pair of hands to wash her face clean and then dropped it back in, before taking a drink. A gold shimmer caught her eye, and she looked up. There it was again. The furry and scaley little creature was obviously exhausted, and a fond little smile crossed her features. She waded over across the stream and then halted near him, kneeling. She wondered whether to go closer or touch him, but figured that would be a mistake. She merely watched and waited, her horse remaining loyally near the stream...

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[> Re: Obsidian Conference -- Pherion, 22:42:48 02/17/03 Mon

Slowly the being opens his eyes, barely able to crawl and exausted in a half slumber from his devious sprint across the woods. He saw the woman there, unsure of how she found him but realizing then his time was up. He raises his paw, wanting so badly to touch her high cheek bones one, allowing his warmth within the touch of the minute and invisible hairs of her skin to bristle in its presence. How kind his glowing eyes looked, how sadly the shown his wordless losses and regrets.

"Kill like flight, take body fast much pain no want.", he says. His hand fell limply, followed buy his arm to his side. The golden form slowly curled into a ball along side of the river where his eyes could peer upon the dancing reflection over the crystaline waves.

"I know flesh-hunter like gold color, I know it take from me in great pain. What name are you?"

His gaze follows the shimmering reflection to Zaddy's form there in the aqua, watchin her moves lethargicly as if he were drugged.

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