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Date Posted: 12:37:50 02/19/03 Wed
Author: Zandramas
Subject: Re: Obsidian Conference
In reply to: Zandramas 's message, "Obsidian Conference" on 19:25:23 02/09/03 Sun

Zandramas remained still, spreading her own arms to show that she is not armed, and, as a human, has only physical strength and her own agility to defend herself with. Her changing eyes merely locked with his again, while she keeps her sitting position on the floor.

"You don't trust me," It wasn't a question. "Which I can understand." She gestures to the stream, frowning slightly while cupping her hands again to place a small puddle between them both. She points to it, and makes a peculiar little gesture with her left hand. Inside the pool appears an image of herself, blurring into the form of a Dragon. It was probably the only way she could make him understand what had happened to her, since she wasn't sure just how much of her language he understood. After doing this, she looked around, and then back to him. She momentarily thinks of extending a hand, but then finds herself almost afraid of this thought. She flicks her eyes around nervously, before holding out a shaky hand again. There was only one way she'd get over touch, she realised, and that was by allowing touch. Her eyes flitted back up to his own, eyebrows raising slightly.

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[> Re: Obsidian Conference -- Pherion, 16:30:18 02/20/03 Thu

Pherion set his arms to his flanks calmly, realizing he was making quite a big deal about this but again rightfully so. He had seen magic and those that could weild it but oddly had no fear of the powers beyond the minds eye. Slowly his head cants to one seid, a listed curriosity building within him that made him wonder what it ment by extending a hand that trembled. Was this being afraid of him? The golden Arumorax looked over Zaddy again, making sure she held no blades, his stare at last locking within her eyes.

Something strong flowed over him again, even stronger then before. Some strange emptieness felt filled at that moment and a sort of arrousal took him. He steped forward, lowering his body to a hunch. Making a warry coo noise Pherion at last dared to thrust his mussle against the extended didgits of Zandramas, the warmth flowed over his fur and scales, the comforts of home beconing to him.

In a flash he remembered what kindness was, what touch was....the void completely filled in his heart as if he already was claimed to be made more then an aquantance already. Though, he couldnt explain something he had never experianced before, he somehow knew it was right.

A soft few breath puffed upon the delicate fingers of Zaddy. Pherion turns his muzzle up and raises it above the warm flesh, his words melting like rose pettals down her arm, falling with the motion of tears twards her heart.

"Pherion do negative understand. Why show Pherion what was and not what will be? Pherion unafriad. Very smart but unlearned. Teach Pherion to say right and he will be forever in great happieness."

And like that he licks the Dragoness made humans fore-arm.

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