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Date Posted: 19:13:45 02/20/03 Thu
Author: Zandramas
Subject: Re: Obsidian Conference
In reply to: Zandramas 's message, "Obsidian Conference" on 19:25:23 02/09/03 Sun

Zandramas flinched slightly as he first touched her hand, before she remembered just what touch was and why people so often did it. She remembered her old days when she laughed and touched whenever possible, happy in the presence of others, but no more. She knew she was alone in this world now. There was no one watching her back, and now she'd have to watch it herself.

She sighed quietly at his first question. "Because I don't know what will be," Is her quiet reply, one digit tracing up his muzzle lightly. "Only what has been." She smiles ruefully before bringing the finger back down to his nose tip and holding it there for a moment.

"What is it you wish to know?" She is fairly sure that she can answer any questions he has, and she settles into a more comfortable position on the ground before lowering her eyes from that strangely compelling gaze of his to look at a small blue and black flower next to her. She knew it's kind, their seeds had been planted over the graves of loved ones. With the hand not on his nose she reached for it, plucked it from it's rooting and reached her other hand back and made a small twisting gesture over the top of it. It appeared to solidify, become stronger, and when she tapped it, it gave off a peculiar steely ring. She then tucked it in her belt to make sure that she carried some semblance of them with her. As if she had been struck, her memories came in again. She had almost forgotten for a moment, in those deep violet pools of peculiar, alluring intelligence. Her memories made her sigh quietly, before looking back to those purple pools, trying to find some form of solace in their abyss of many emotions...

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[> [> Re: Obsidian Conference -- asw (asw), 08:24:45 03/21/12 Wed

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