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Date Posted: 16:48:58 01/14/04 Wed
Author: Ross Potter 1st team manager
Subject: Re: not impressed
In reply to: Byran Farley 's message, "not impressed" on 17:05:19 01/12/04 Mon

Byran, although I agree with Peter that everyone is entitled to their own view I need to correct you a couple of things so that you can have a more informed opinion.
I assume your comments relate to the game last Sunday when the 1st team were playing Quebec.
When I arrived it was obvious that the near pitch the one we were scheduled to play on was unplayable. Once this was decided Peter Steward, the reserve team manager Dave Manington and I had a chat and all parties were in agreement that as this was a County Cup Quarter Final, probably the biggest game in the clubs 12 year history Dave would pospone his league game and the Quarter Final would be played on his pitch. This was not a decision taken out of the reserves hands so no-one was 'turfed off' any pitches.
Also this was a very rare occasion and it was agreed and is well known that this is not common practice as if both would have been regular league games and not a county Cup match the 1st team match would be cancelled. A major factor in this decision was that the 1st team already have a backlog of 7 re-arranged fixtures which if we were to progress to the next round of the League Cup would be 8. No-one is saying the 1st team is the more important team just that this was a more important match which is why it was agreed that when the reserves play their County Cup Semi Final they will take priority. As to 'very few talented players within the club I suggest you take a look at todays Evening News paper and website and also take a look at the league table.

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  • Re: not impressed -- Peter Steward, 17:44:33 01/14/04 Wed
  • Re: not impressed -- Yanif Khan, 02:00:50 01/15/04 Thu

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