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Subject: back in school

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Date Posted: 18:20:10 02/10/03 Mon

Hey everybody, I know you're all complaining about your freezing weather but I'm here in nice warm cali and I still managed to get sick! Oh well... I'm recovering. Anyway, I'm doing a project/article for my independent study class about Runels and different aspects of camp. So far I've written a bunch of different stuff and I have a few examples of incidents and stuff. I was wondering if anybody remembered anything particulary interesting, funny, or just some aspect of camp that might be worthy to write about. If you do, let me know... I think my memory has just gotten a bit fuzzy since camp cuz i'm pretty sure I would have had a lot to write about just from all the waterfront gossip I was able to gather everyday (thanks to Kashka :) Oh, and by the way... if anybody wants to come out to cali for spring break, me and s'more are gonna be here and you can come stay with us! So far, Winnie and Zoe might come like the week of the 7th (march) i think. I'm going on spring break like march 21... maybe to Hawaii!!! If anybody wants to join me there too, I'm down. Lemme know! and everybody, you've gotta leave more messages so we can all keep in touch!!!

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