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Subject: Hey guys

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Date Posted: 16:37:44 02/16/03 Sun

Hey all, how are you? I know I haven't had chance to chat to some of you since camp but hope all are well and just cos I haven't managed to send an email yet doesn't mean I don't think bout all you guys and I miss ya all loads. Unfortunatly I'm not going to work abroad this summer coming as I need to save some cash. I wish I was going back to work in the states. hopefully I will be there next year or maybe xmas. but oh well. I've been checkin this site every so often and think its great to hear of what you all are upto. Yahman I wish I was there! but abit far to just take a quick vacation in my time off from uni! oh well I'll get there some day. And that goes for the rest of ya, I will be round to say hiya when I can, so be prepared. So what have I been upto? I've been busy, ya know Uni stuff, bla, bla, bla.......and working weekends but not doing too bad with my assignments and not long to go now, just another year!

QUESTION!, QUESTION! hehe, oh memories! soo many memories! anyway best be off!

Feel free to leave replies and keep intouch as I know ya all wanna! hehe xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Luv and Hugs sent out to all, xxxx Yoyo xxxx

P.S. If anyone fancies a trip, ya welcome here!

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