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Subject: Re: SUMMER

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Date Posted: 05:29:50 04/09/03 Wed
In reply to: Shana 's message, "SUMMER" on 07:19:49 04/04/03 Fri

I'm working on a flower farm to make some money for my practice tecahing abroad. (I'll probably go to the Utah area again, since I couldn't get a place in New England) I'll go to France for a week to spend some time with Eric and his family, and I'll be a counselor in a girls camp for one week. I've already had some preparation meetings, and I'm really looking forward to this camp. you guys taught me a lot this summer and the year before, I feel ready to be one of the three counselors on 6 girls. (can you believ it? this is how small the camp is: for each year group there are three counselors, nomatter how many girls. the average group is 6 or 7 girls. when there are more the other counselors just panic. can you believe it????

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[> Subject: Re: SUMMER

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Date Posted: 14:13:33 04/10/03 Thu

well let's see hmmm. i'm done with school on May 1st. Then it's off to Orange where I plan on not working for a couple of weeks and relaxing!!!! Then finding a job but who knows where! I hope to make a bunch of money so I can pay off some bills. But that probably wont' happen cuz I have a horrible spending habit. I actually applied to a few private camps in Pennsylvania that looked cool and payed alot of money but I won't be heartbroken if I don't get it, since I'm looking forward to just hangin out at home for a while and enjoy the luxury of someone else cooking for me for a while,
Melody- I can't believe that they freak out when there are more girls hehe remember in the beginging of the summer before that 2 counselor rule thing happened and it was one counselor to 20+ girls hehe oh the good ole' times! Well i'm at work so I probably should start working take care all

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