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Subject: Re: YIKES

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Date Posted: 15:43:59 04/11/03 Fri
In reply to: Zoe 's message, "YIKES" on 19:00:53 04/06/03 Sun

Ok, I tried replying to this message but it obviously didnt work right the first time. Anyway, I was saying that's really funny you saw her because Mona and I were just talking about Mandy last week and the time she stole the animal treasure cookies. She was pissed because we didn't make s'mores or something that night so she stole a box and left us wondering what the hell happened to the cookies. Then she proceeded to put a cookie on each girls pillow. haha. All of us counselors were annoyed but I gotta admit it was clever. oh, and who could forget the time when she wouldnt wake up in Oakridge. We seriously thought she was DEAD. We had to listen to her breathing because she would not move no matter what we did. Good times! :)

>Ok so you guys are never going to believe what
>happened to me! well ok so it's believable but
>still....Ok so i'm visiting Jay and he lives in
>Billerica and we decide to go to blockbuster and rent
>some movies and walk around the little common thing
>cuz it was kinda nice out so we are walking out of
>blockbuster towards the park and guess who i see and I
>fear that this little girl may have spotted me so I
>grab Jay by the arm and whip him around and start
>hauling ass back the way I came....well it appears
>that one of our favorite campers lives in jay's
>hometown of Billerica bet none of you can guess who it
>is? hmmm give up yet ok i'll tell you yup our little
>friend Mandy!!! it was quite a shocker but it did
>bring back soem interesting memories of camp and made
>me think of all of you! I miss you all so much.. and
>we all need to write on this thing more I think I love
>hearing what people have to say so c'mon ladies get
>those little fingers typing....well must go do more
>studying since it never ever ends! take care everyone

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[> [> Subject: Re: YIKES

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Date Posted: 17:14:20 04/13/03 Sun

I remeber one time in bb square, she wouldnt wake up for me, so i opened her sleeping bag up and she was Naked!

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