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Date Posted: 09:32:07 06/20/03 Fri
Author: FranklinRivers
Author Host/IP: 029.b.008.mel.iprimus.net.au /
Subject: Better The Devil makes quite a splash - (more)

Better The Devil makes quite a splash - Top 5 hit in UK's national chart (more)

On the face of it - the launch of Better The Devil Records
and it's first release "The Fast Food Song" has really
been a miraculous success story and an incedible
birth of a record label.

A Top 5 Hit is indeed quite an achievment and congratulations
to the BTD team for creating a hit
out of nothing at all..
I mean, 9 months ago there was no such thing as
The Fast Food Rockers and no such thing as
Better The Devil Records.

In fact the world though Mike Stock was
enjoying country life in retirement.

But things are never what they seem ...

Mike & his team have proved that an idea and an action plan
combined with a little money & creative vision
can bring about a major turn around in the fortunes
of (Stock's) music business.

On the creative side the song hits the mark for their chosen market
and the composition & production values
are right-on for this success to take place.

Fast Food Song is commercial bubblegum with a
high energy dance feel that works for the target-1
market of 6 to 16 year olds plus the remixes can
stretch the market out to include the cheesy end
of the club circuit.


Please let's not bring everything down to the
lowest common denominator - it's not just
about money because if it was then Stock would never
have got back into the record label business.

Everybody else is busting to get out of the record racket -
AOL Time Warner wanna sell off their music division
and Vivendi Universal want to sell off it's entertainment
interests -especially the loss making music unit
and EMI Recorded Music are in the doldrums and are looking
at ways to survive or die .. Maybe EMI will acquire
the Warner Music label - although I doubt this will
actually come about because it would cost an absolute fortune
and EMI would then be burdened with Warners headaches as well as it's own.
I forgot to mention the Sony and BMG conglomerates but I
think you're getting the picture.

Mushroom UK was recently sold off to EMI and the rumour is
that the Festival Mushroom label in Australia is also
up for sale (News Ltd want to rid itself of it's
music interests..)

So why would anyone in their right mind want to get into
the record label business ..

I'll tell you why .. it's because they're motivated by
creating music and riding on that amazing rollercoaster
called The Pop Music Express.

And secondly, if it's all about money then they would have
copied another big hitter in an attempt to replicate
the success .. This has not been the case at all ...

Better The Devil Records is pure invention ..

Who else has put out a record like this in the past 20 years .. NO ONE ..
This is not a copy cat record -
this record is all about going out on a limb and taking
a creative and financial risk at playing the
pop wheel of fortune but with a new set of
"How To Do It" rules.

And they've won ! A Top 5 record is top of the tree
as far as I am concerned and they've been proved right
with their collective vision.

It may not be high art - but it's something quite
out of the ordinary and I'm betting it will quickly
become a collectors record as time passes on.

If BTD Records had chosen a more conventional approach
and released a Natalie Powers single to launch the
label I hate to say this but I don't think it would've
had the impact and may not have even been noticed ..

This is because the normal approach of solo singer
or vocal group does not attract the imagination
of the media and the record buying public as
it once did .. there are just so many others around ..

But there is only one Fast Food Rockers and the fact
they are the invention of BTD team & Steve Crosby management
means they have something very unique in the market
that hasn't been done before.

This is almost like what punk rock was but without the
rebellion. Better The Devil Records is a renegade label
that is not following the trend but instead plotting
it's own map to success.

It's risky and it's dangerous ..but if you hit paydirt
then it's an exhilarating ride on the
rocket to the top of the charts.

Franklin Rivers

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