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Date Posted: 06:44:17 06/30/03 Mon
Author: Phil
Author Host/IP: gateway.croner.co.uk /
Subject: It'd be funny if it weren't so tragic...
In reply to: 's message, "BBC TOTP Prenters are a disgrace" on 03:28:51 06/28/03 Sat

Yes, unfortunately the BBC (in trying oh-so-desperately to be cutting edge and 'trendy') have lost sight of the facts.
BBC Radio One's playlist is similarly cursed, with what "they" think we OUGHT to be listening to. I have never been a big fan of popular radio in the UK for this very reason. I spend a fair amount of time travelling to and from work - and will either listen to news radio/discussion/phone-in stations, or my portable MP3 player, laden with whatever I fancy that day.

Take Aqua, for example. A very fine pop/dance band, with a host of very nicely crafted and catchy pop songs. Unfortunately, the "media" would only have us remember them for one of the "worst" songs ever - ie 'Barbie Girl'. What the media fails to acknowledge is that this was a very clever ploy by Aqua to get noticed and shift records, in order for them to continue to produce fine-quality albums. Does nobody realise that Aqua had their tongue firmly in their cheek when Barbie Girl was released??? It would appear not.

The UK record industry, the doomsayers (and indeed greedy record exec bosses) would have us believe, is in a terrible shape - what with internet downloads and "manufactured pop". What exactly is their problem? I remember an independent body review many years ago now, concluding that CDs were too expensive in the UK (and compared to the rest of the world, extortianate!) - but did the prices drop? I think you all know the answer to that.

I think Mike and everyone at Better The Devil Records should be highly congratulated on such a marvellous new success. A brand new INDEPENDENT label, an unheard of act, one of the most deeply "uncool" songs you'll EVER hear, next to no radio airplay and STRAIGHT IN AT NUMBER TWO??? Only an insane badger with advanced Alhzeimer's would've put money on THAT happening!

Sadly, the powers that be still decide on 98% of the music we get to hear. FORTUNATELY, through forums such as this (as well as the indominatable human spirit not to be dictated to), we WILL get to hear and enjoy the music WE want.


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