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Date Posted: 05:23:37 11/17/03 Mon
Author: A MacHine
Author Host/IP: webcacheH04a.cache.pol.co.uk /
Subject: It's never easy buying cheesy pop music!!!!

Well well Mr Smith, I see that you have remixed the website!!! Anyway, enough about that.

The independents that (Mike) Stocked "Gay Boyfriend" seemed to not be (Mike) Stocking the new FFR album! Well after all "it's never easy being cheesey" and I guess it's not going to be easy to get a good chart position either. I guess that part of the problem is that with Kylie, Busted, Britney, Ronan, etc bringing out new albums this week, many shops have bought up on these rather than FFR, as these are guaranteed big sellers. Shame the Cheesesters did not release the album a bit closer to the release of "Say Cheese".

Nowadays the band/group has to be in the public's face much more to remind them that they (the band/group) still exists. Kids that bought FFR single a few weeks back do not have FFR on their minds, because last week they just bought the new Busted track or Britney track, both in top 5 this week, and therefore on the kids TV shows/music shows/charts over the weekend, and so they will be buying their albums instead.

I really want FFR to succeed. "Say Cheese" was a great little pop track, with a great bridge into the chorus ("we're gonna take your picture so you see how good it feels" is bound to be everyone's favourite bit of the song due to the chord progression, especially the drumless version after the "pass it on, pass it on" middle 8). Shame that the album was not scheduled for a week or two after the single, with a massive sticker on the front of the single to promote it saying "Order our forthcoming album now form you're local record shop and get a free ?????? whatever". That would have put the necessary pressure on the shops to stock it, if kids had been going in with pre-orders, plus released the album at a time when the single was in the chart.

Today kids will also find it frustrating, as I did, to go into their local shop (Woolies, etc) and not find the album. They won't know it's only in HMV, Virgin, etc unless they checked on the website very recently. I assumed that the album had been postponed and bought something else, but of course can buy the album tomorrow when I hope to be near an HMV. Kids going in, with a finite amount of pocket money, to Woolies etc, will make the same conclusion and buy another CD instead. BTD should have told us early last week that the CD was only in certain outlets as people don't check e-mail/websites everyday.

Paul, see if you can get Michael Stock to sell copies of the Tatjana's Santa Maria 2003 (nice to have the number of mixes for reference in the title) to BTD fans via the BTD website, if no release is planned. I imagine he has boxes of these in his hallway! Be good to give the BTD fans a little exclusive bonus. You could even ask Mike to sell them on this website. After all a lot of those one the website but BTD because of Mike. Also get your website forum used a bit more!!!! Plus, I hate not to have the full catalogue of BTD releases.

Thanks, great website, take care....

A MacHine

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