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Date Posted: 13:23:26 05/18/06 Thu
Author: Bernadine Fawcett
Subject: Revolutionary war correspondence unearthed

Query: Author from small press requesting your review. A paragraph review follows and then quotes from the letters below reveal the contents and objectives of the book. �Book will be sent upon request.

This book is reviewed on : BuyBooksOnTheWeb and is described on www.fawcettcounseling.com, authors den, goggle,blog.com and can also be purchased on Amazon.com.

Author: Bernadine Fawcett
Publisher: Infinity Press, 2006
Publishers address: 1094 New DeHaven Street, Suite 100, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2713
publisher phone number: 1-610-941-999, e-mail address: BuyBooksOnTheWeb, 1--877-BUY BOOK, website:www.buybooksontheweb.com
ISBN: 0-7414-2159-3, price: US $22.95, page count: 342 pages.

Contact: Bernadine Fawcett, 86 Log Road Patchogue, N,Y. 11772, 631-289-0735, bernfawcett@optonline.net,www.fawcettcounseling.com

Author,Bernadine Fawcett lets the inherited Revolutionary War letters tell their own story.
Time Travel via 1777 -1778 family correspondence based on a cousin in-law relation of AAron Burr, Rev. A. Eliot, with letters to his father Rev. Eliot Sr. about women, children, slaves, epidemics, & pertinent events of the Revolutionary War; recopied, in the 1800�s and then again by another family member (author), so that today�s public may experience history as it developed. Some original letters are still intact.
If you wish further information, the quotes below speak for themselves.

Family Correspondence Quotes (unedited from originals):

War Comments:
�Gen. Washington has positive Orders to hang men, woman or child who attempts to carry the least quantity of provisions into them.�
�The Cabal.... Their scheme to get of the Army. �
�The Army...incensed... Many.. will shoot the man who ... appear to take Gen. Washington�s place.�
�The truth is People are in some measure tired of the War... They want to Love peace and expect... that Gen. Washington ... adjust the affairs of the mightily republic over a good warm fire and a pipe of Tobacco.�
Slavery Injustice Comments:
�You have need of... your prayers every day �give our Senators wisdom�. ..of freeing Negro's when they have such a Business on hand-such a War to Conduct. I mourn your moral state...Our assembly went some time ago on a plan for enlisting the Negro men into the army & when their time was out, to let them go free. The Congress heard of it & the New England Delegates were informed by the Gentleman from the South ward, that if that was their scheme, they should retire from Congress & leave them to the consequences, securing themselves, on the best terms they could-which put an entire stop to our plan.�
Women�s Place Comments:
�I expect these girls will go through Count D�Estaing's Fleet before they are done. Let them stay at home and prepare to qualify themselves for good wives...The reason that they are not courted is, that they are dancing perpetually about the town. �
Disciplining Children-Comments:
�She {infant- 2 years of age.} climbs the highest wood piles-runs away to a great distance, is often whipt and tied to the chair as her Uncle Josiah and Hugar Woddlelling used to be�
Epidemics-Comments:�The Small Pox ..lost... Mr. Jonathan Silliman... � �Mrs. Ross of Pequanock ... death... distemper.... measles... prevail ...�

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