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Date Posted: 03:05:07 04/16/05 Sat
In reply to: domlnator 's message, "Re: FUCK YOU MARS, YOU DIRTY SHIT-COLORED NIGGER" on 04:56:46 06/15/04 Tue

>ctually it was mostly the jews that saw profit selling
>slaves to whites. Because the jews paid the blacks
>money(food/trade) to sell their loved ones to them.
>The only way you are going to get hundreds of blacks
>on a boat is if they wanted to go. Otherwise their
>would be stories of the battle they lost leading to
>their enslavement. No battle.....The indians put up a
>fight thats why we have record of battles won and lost.
>There is always some truth to stereotypes, jokes and
>rumours that spread about. One black person cannot
>make a difference when the high majority of blacks are
>not cival in the least. Sure there are people of all
>races that are terrible people. But when the bad
>outweigh the good by percentages you have a problem.
>And all I see is people hiding from this problem
>making excuses for a bunch of animals that glorify a
>criminal lifestyle.
>All I hear is blacks using buzz terms to perpetuate
>their dark behavior. "You is a hater!" they say. Well
>if they make you into a "hater" because you disagree
>with their unmorral criminal lifestyle, then they have
>givin themselves permission to continue acting this
>way. Another example is calling female women and
>children "HO's" Since blacks are sexual beasts(often
>to the degree of rape) if they create a persona where
>women are HO"S (whores) than they can further
>perpetuate their immoral sexual behavior. Another
>example is "keeping it real". If you are not 'keeping
>it real" then you must be a hater. And if you are a
>"hater" you are against this immoral lifestyle. This
>way this excludes you from being an upright citizen
>and defender of the innocent.
>Example: Blacks(and whiggers) make a rap song about
>raping the teenage girls and killing them. If you
>speak out against it you are a "hater". You are guilty
>of not "keeping it real".
>These are all semi clever ways to put the blame on
>someone else and not be held responsible for this
>unacceptable behavior. How many times do you see a
>black(or whigger) caught in the act of a crime on
>video and the first words out of their mouth is "I
>didn't do nuffin" or "you is a hater". Or the ever
>famous "you is racist".
>So in effect, with these buzz terms the black man trys
>to make his criminal behavior look natural. And any
>one that thinks different is a racist automatically.
>I can't help but to think these tactics are not of the
>black man's doing. Notice above I said "semi-clever".
>Maybe it has something to do with the Jews that run
>most of the companies that produce this type of
>media(if thats what you want to call it).
>I know most blacks are full of it. I have been around
>30 years now and I never knew a girl raped by a white
>man. But I have encountered many women that claimed to
>be raped by blacks. And if that is not scary enough,
>in the majority of the occasions these girls were
>raped they were also sodomized and urinated on. Black
>men have a strange rape fetish for pissing on the
>girls they rape. I put these blacks right up on the
>scale with homosexuals(because they like that booty
>literally) and perverted serial killers(because they
>urinate on their victims).
>Sure there are people of all colors doing these
>horrible things. But when the mass percentage of a
>whole race acts this way, well, it's a little more
>than a rumour or stereotype.
>Why would people want to try so hard to shift the
>blame to poverty or oppression or someother lame
>excuse? Because they don't have to live around it
>everyday like the MAJORITY of us.
>Face it, people in all races are different. Some have
>a stomach for raw fish and some don't. Some have a
>taste for raw intestines and brains and most don't.
>Things whites consider gross are other cultures
>normality. We are not all the same like people try to
>suggest. Its not a stereotype that most blacks are
>savages. The blacks that are civalized by the white
>man's culture are running scared from their own
>people. And the ones that can't run stick around and
>somehow try to justify or explain away this sort of
>I find it interesting that every culture and race on
>the planet has adopted a derogitory name for blacks.
>And the name they describe always has the same
>significant meaning "Savage". The
>russians,chinese,japanese,viet,arabian(just to name a
>few)all have a pet name for blacks. Now if the word is
>out all over the vast planet there must be some truth
>to it. It cant be a world wide conspiracy against
>blacks can it? Surely not.
>Blacks are always saying "We don't be gettin any
>respect up in here". Well, respect is earned and not
>ordained. When you start on the path to being cival
>and proper respect will be earned along the long
>journey. But somehow I don't think you will be setting
>out on this vast trek of earning respect. It's alot
>easier to speak jibber jabber and mumbo jumbo and
>blame everyone for your transgressions.
>Good luck on your task proving to the human race you
>are actually human. Because you don't have me fooled.
>Oh and before you call me a racist think about this.
>The black people I know agree with me. They refer to
>blacks using "a language of ignorance".(ebonics) But I
>still keep my distance because I know they would turn
>on me in a second even though they act somewhat cival.
>Why? Because the same blacks that tell me this start
>talking ebonics when their friends call. Yes, the
>black man will back stabb his own people just to
>converse with the white man on his level for just a
>Good luck mr black man on the street. You are going to
>need it. Even macdonalds numbed burger eating white
>slobs that watch MTV are hip to your charrade now. The
>black man is a passing fad that made some jews(and the
>greedy) "mo money". They will find someone elses
>culture to exploit soon and you will be out of a job
>and back begging for money.
>We know what you are. And the reds,anarchists,hippies
>and uncle toms are running out of excuses for you. Go
>burn down a city for some stupud crap to remind us
>what you really are.

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