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Date Posted: 02:24:21 06/02/03 Mon
Author: Nomi and SarSar
Subject: WritingAPostSoPeopleWillReplyAndWeWillBeExcited

Hello All! This is a post!

We are still staying in Bundaberg, working our little hearts out. Nomi has got a permanant picking tomatos, and Sarah is usually with a sweet potato farm. We're pretty happy with our jobs for the sole reason that they are NOT picking zucchinis. (we don't really like our jobs, but that gives you an idea of how much we hate picking zucchinis!)

Not much to do around here other than read our books, go for walks, and watch Harrison Ford movies. (people keep putting on the same movies, and they always seem to star Harrison Ford!! Getting a little sick of the guy... hehe. Somebody tried to play the Fugitive two nights in a row. Luckily other people stopped him a couple minutes into it. Instead he put on "A Few Good Men", which hadn't been shown at the hostel in FOUR DAYS! We're doing ok though, we seem to be pretty content sitting around doing nothing :)

A lot of other people in the hostel seem to be going out drinking every night: we don't know how they make any money! There have been some people not getting up for work due to hangovers, and that's been causing some problems at the hostel. (they almost lost the business of 3 farms last week!)

It's funny how at home in order to sleep we need to be alone in a quiet room in the dark. Now we can easily fall asleep at 9 pm in a room with 5 other people who are talking, with the lights fully on, and with the sound from the bar down below making the floor vibrate! We go to bed so early these days. The job listing is posted every evening at 7:30 pm, and that's usually our sign to think about getting ready for bed! Sarah keeps waking up at 5 am every day, even if she doesn't have to work!

Naomi has just realized that her typing speed seems to have cut in half since she left home... she doesn't know how she'll survive in computer science when she gets back!

That's all for now! LOVE LOVE!

Tell us what's going on in your world :) :)

Love Sarah and Nomi

p.s. Dad, we're working on that scrabble move, we'll send it to you shortly! :)

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