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Date Posted: 10:22:06 07/02/03 Wed
Author: Mom
Subject: Lerato's wedding

Hi girls:

Thanks for your singing Canada Day wishes (and your great rendition of one of my favourite Stevie Wonder songs)! Did you find any Canadians to celebrate with? By listening to you on the phone, you were obviously celebrating!

We celebrated Canada Day by painting over at the new place. We were thinking of you, because we were working on your bedrooms. Dad and I did Sarah's, and Karen and Tom were doing the first coat on Naomi's. Tonight we'll go back and do the second coat on both. We were going to let you choose your paint colours when you got home, but Erin watches the T.V. show 'While You Were Out', where they redo the rooms when the owners were away, and she (not my fault!) decided we would paint them for you 'while you were out'. If you hate the colours, we can always repaint.

I've sent pictures of Lerato's wedding to Naomi's e-mail address. The wedding went off perfectly! Lerato, Erin, and one other attendant stayed here the night before the wedding. Then, in the morning, all were off to get hair and make-up done. They arrived back about 12:30, did a few last minute things, then put on their dresses. Lerato looked so beautiful, - and so did the attendants. The third attendant arrived in time to put her dress on, then a beautiful while limosine arrived into the parking lot on Wolf Street, to pick them up. Oh yes, all the flowers had arrived at our house during the morning. What a stir they caused as they left our townhouse to ride to the church in the limo!!

We deposited Liam with Julie Blaney, as she lives so close to St. Dunstan's church. He was very happy there during the ceremony, and I know that Julie and her Mom and Dad all enjoyed the opportunity of meeting him.

(An aside - Julie's Mom's sister has just moved to Perth. She asked her sister if you guys could stay with her there, and she said she'd love to have you - Dianne is supposed to be e-mailing you the sister's (Pat, I think) e-mail address.)

The wedding ceremony is here in a booklet, which we will save to show you. It was an Anglican service, so was a bit long, but the hymns were nice, as the words were written to tunes I know. Everyone looked lovely, and I cried! (what else is new)

Then there was a gap of two hours, while the wedding party went down to the Parliament Buildings to have their pictures taken. The Officer's Mess Building was where the reception was held. The view was outstanding (see one picture with a nice view? That was it). We had drinks and more pictures in the lounge, and then went into the dining room for the sit down smorgasbord dinner. Salmon, roast beef, vegetarian casserole, etc. T'was excellent.

A highlight for me was the entrace of Lerato's south african family singing and dancing a wedding chant (in the language they know - I've forgotten it's name). I will try to send you that video clip, but I don't know if it will work. Also, Erin gave an excellent speech, and I know Lerato really appreciated that.

Lerato had put a DVD of Police, and a thank you note, on our table, wishing us a happy 28th anniversary, and thanking us for the welcome she always received in our home. Bob and I were both quite moved, and appreciative of that. (Apparently, she borrowed our 'Police' CD many years ago, and never returned it!)

That's about it I guess. Dancing followed the dinner. There is one shot with Erin, Bob and Liam dancing. Liam really enjoyed that! Most of the reception time, he was upstairs with Nathan's parents, Lydia, and other small children attending the wedding.

Bye for now

Lots of love,


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