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Date Posted: 13:48:29 05/28/01 Mon
Author: Acumen
Author Host/IP: user-24-214-48-144.knology.net /
Subject: New website - www.handofhonor.com


I know Key will agree with how difficult it is to create and maintain a website. However, as we are a diverse and time-differentiated group of people, we should have one that we can use to keep up with each other. These message boards have done a good job so far, but I think we can do better.

When I'm not playing EQ, I actually get paid for creating websites. I would like to volunteer to create one for the guild. Key has done an admireable job, but there's only so much you can do within Geocities. I have acquired free webspace and bandwidth from my employer, and have created a website for our use at www.handofhonor.com

This website has not received the official blessing from Non or the Officers Council, so it may change radically, or disappear altogether, over the next few weeks.

So far I have a chat room running, and I will post our own messageboards so we won't have to rely on voy.com I have many more things to add to it, such as a screenshot upload area, member's directory, etc.

Please check it out and let me know what you think. Any suggestions, ideas, and criticisms are cheerfully accepted. Key, I would love your help maintaining the website.


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