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Date Posted: 02:01:07 01/15/02 Tue
Author: Risen
Author Host/IP: NoHost /
Subject: Re: LuN@t!K5 <----- for bodean
In reply to: Ellardy 's message, "LuN@t!K5 <----- for bodean" on 13:27:00 01/14/02 Mon

Hey Man!

Glad to have u back. Can't wait to get back with all my old online friends. Now, we jus have to get Mareth and Macao back and the guild will feel complete 8)

Miss ya Mareth and Mac. Miss the rest of ya tool.

Glad to be back in a guild with Bo, My first eq friend. This is WAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYY CCCCOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!

CYA online

Risen AKA Venlain DE Rogue.

>yo peeps, spent the morning reading over the old
>posts. man there is some funny shit in there. and
>wow.. did we drink alot. especially me and non. in
>case anyone is wondering. The Lunatic Horde should be
>up and running tues the 16th of jan. that's when the
>single, sole, one and only gm maker will be on. he
>will give me my guild tag or i will sick the rabid
>nonaame on him, with mareth to talk shit while he's
>getting his ass kicked. my new name is Xaznor... well
>not totally new... maybe a bit reused. send me a tell
>if you'd like to join us. dark elf only and you have
>to be under lvl 20 to get in. if you really want to
>know my reasons for these lunatic decisions.... try
>drinking. damn, i don't even remember half the posts i
>left. was i that fucked up?
>Xaznor Thenewwaveofmadnesshasnowbeenunleashed
>"I got a drinking problem man...one mouth and two

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