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Date Posted: 07:41:18 10/20/14 Mon
Author: bodean
Author Host/IP: cpe-75-179-135-150.woh.res.rr.com /
Subject: Re: How I spent my summer vacation
In reply to: bo 's message, "Re: How I spent my summer vacation" on 19:57:33 12/31/01 Mon

Wow, Google search for teh win! Love this, that was the best time gaming ever. Love you guys.
Bodean Foobaar

>>As this year closes, I started to think of what I had
>>done this past year. I thought of Everquest,
>>Everquest, and uh Everquest. I did other things, but
>>nothing brought me more fun, excitement, laughter, and
>>pride than this game. I only remember the summer
>>portion of this block, because this is where I had the
>>most fun. I didn't think of the things I did, that
>>would be too self centered. And that's bad for karma.
>>Instead, I tried to remember things of other people. I
>>remember waking up one day and realizing I was a
>>helping founder of a guild. How in the hell had that
>>happened? Wasn't a guild to me, it was a way to talk
>>to my RL friends. But then something changed one day,
>>and it was a wonderful thing. I remember when I
>>thought Murtle and Hurtle was the same person and I
>>was just so drunk the words were blurring on me. Then
>>I thought Hurtle was an alt of Murtle. Then I finally
>>figured it out that they where two totally seperate
>>people. But then an Inurtle showed up, who liked to
>>train guards around btw, be he was a totally different
>>person as well. I knew things were gonna get
>>complicated then. I remember going to my first EQ
>>wedding. A wedding of two people who were going to get
>>married in RL a month later. Good thing Bhal doesn't
>>look like a troll in RL, though Tioria is just as cute
>>as a half elf in RL, minus the ears. I remember my
>>first time in the arena, shortly after the wedding. I
>>remember a cute little chanter named Cindari. I didn't
>>find her cute after she made Bhal her pet and he
>>killed me. I remember my first duel. It was with a
>>fellow named Medicsel, who later renamed hisself
>>Medisel. He challenged me to a duel and I asked how to
>>decline. He told me "/d". I cussed him for a couple
>>days for that one. I remember two brothers, Cincee and
>>Bodean, who laughed at me one day in Lfay, cause I had
>>to run from a fairie maiden. I remember a fool of a
>>barbarian warrior named Shamusodanil Mcdanilodanil.
>>Who fell off the boat going to FV and had to swim for
>>one hour 30 min RL time. I know, cause I had to listen
>>to him cussing for 1 hour 30 RL time in the other
>>room. I remember the day he screwed over his
>>girlfriend and she promptly killed off his character
>>and deleted his account. Don't worry I asked for his
>>stuff first. I remember the Ranger, who I never took
>>directions from again, but got my swimming to master.
>>Cause Rivenblade told me it'd be faster to swim across
>>ocean of tears than to wait for the boat. I remember
>>the day I met Mareth and befriended her. I remember
>>the day I got her guilded, sorry didn't know at the
>>time she was such a crazy ass biotch necro. But you
>>know what? Biotch or not, she was a friend, and still
>>is. I remember the day I got a silvery 2HS War Axe and
>>knew I was destined to be one uber pally. I remember
>>running for my corpse 10 min later, thinking I might
>>have been wrong. I remember the day Badjur, my eq mom
>>who watched out for me and took care of me, stopped
>>what she was doing to console me cause I learned that
>>an ex-girlfriend was now a lesbian. I didn't take the
>>news too well. And I still don't know if it was my
>>fault or not. Can't be sure unless another one pops
>>up. I remember the day Tamus got yelled at cause he
>>called hisself The Lord High Shaman. He wasn't so high
>>back then, I think he was 22. I remember the day our
>>whole guild died in MM, but it was still the best raid
>>any of us had ever been on. I remember the day Nonaame
>>lost a roll on a wu stick to a Cleric, hell he cried
>>and whined in guild chat for two days. I remember him
>>losing the roll on a wu stick 3 days later... to
>>another cleric. I remember hearing about that for a
>>week. I remember Calaorny asking me one day why I was
>>so nice to her. I didn't understand then, but I think
>>I do now. I remember when Valadeer gave me an uber gem
>>finder and thinking now I am an unstoppable paladin. I
>>remember running for my corpse 20 min later thinking I
>>was wrong again. I remember when our guild killed
>>lucan de'lere for the first time. Thanks for the rez
>>Pirs. I still wasn't uber. I remember the day I woke
>>up and my guild of 10 friends jumped to 50 and I
>>realized we weren't friends anymore, we weren't a
>>guild anymore, we had become a family. I remember when
>>I met some of this family in RL. Dalamir, Maeladar,
>>Varantus, Huggels, Nonaame, Tioria, Khaavren, Bhal,
>>Medisel, Valadeer, Macao, Mareth, Bodean, Cincee,
>>Cindari, Acumen, Prankess, woulda been Twyynke if he
>>hadn't pissed off his sergent. I met the people I had
>>become friends with in RL. How could I forget Leaa. I
>>thought the concept of marriage in EQ was ludicrius,
>>but if there was one person I woulda asked, it woulda
>>been her. These were good days. There's probably a
>>hundred other things I can't remember. But I do know
>>this. I laughed everyday I logged on. I smiled
>>everyday I logged on. I forgot about my daily problems
>>everyday I logged on. I'm thankful for what I got to
>>partake in. I wouldn't exchange this expierince for
>>anything. I actually think it made me a better person.
>>Come here and give me a mother fucking hug.
>>Ellardy Verillian
>>Jason Thomas
>SuPaF00kIn bOMbbiggidity hugs GuYz I LUB J00 all COME
>BACK I WANNA start A N00B guildhehe

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