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Subject: Gimli in gaol

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Date Posted: 15:17:23 02/14/03 Fri

Aragorn and Gimli sat in a cold prison cell, on their wooden matresses. After the events of the Academy Awards, the duo had been arrested, charged and convicted of multiple homicides and then sent to prison.
Fortunately though they had both escaped the death penalty, purely because no documents existed on Earth that could identify them. No birth certificate, no driving license...nothing.

So, now they sat...in an over populated prison, with a population of over 800, forced to share the same bed.

Most would consider this the end of their adventures...but not yet. Gimli, taking the initiative as always, had thought up an escape plan as soon as they had been arrested.

Mr.Sarrell the duck was comfortably nesting in Gimli's beard, and he would be able to help them escape. As a matter of fact, Sarell duck had become quite comfortable in Gimli's beard, setting up a nest of some sort down near the dwarfs left shoulder. He was beginning to enjoy life as a farmyard animal, until Aragorn pulled him out one day and started explaining his plan.

Aragorn: Okay, Mr.Sarell the duck, here is the deal. We are going to strap you to a remote-control car, and drive you into the prison armoury. You'll have 5 minutes to collect us as many weapons as possible, before we drive the car back to the cell and make our escape. If you do as we instruct, we'll organise to have you turned back into a human again.

Mr.Sarell the duck quacked loudly in response, and flipped his glasses back onto his beak.

Aragorn: Good, lets do it then.

Gimli handed Aragorn a large strip of masking tape. Aragorn sat Mr.Sarell the duck onto his remote-control car, and strapped him in with the tape. Gimli then handed Aragorn the controller.

Gimli: Good luck Mr.Sarell

Duck: Quack.

Aragorn pushed forward on his controller, and the car shot forward out of the cells iron bars, and down a corridor. Aragorn, using his memory as a map, drove the car towards the prison armoury. Prison guards just stood, confused at what the hell was going on.
As soon as he reached the armoury, Mr.Sarell lept off the car and began looking for weapons. All he could find was two lightsabres (yay!!!:>). He quickly grabbed them and then jumped back onto the car, as it sped away again back towards the cell.

Gimli and Aragorn were delighted as they saw the duck drive back towards the cell. But then...disaster struck. the car ran out of batteries, and Mr.Sarell and the weapons were a good 3 metres away, out of reach.
Guards came pouring from all entrances to the prison, pointing their pistols directly at the small animal who lay strapped to a remote control car with two lightsabres.


Duck: Quack?


Mr.Sarell the duck began to sweat, he looked desperately at Gimli and Aragorn, who stood gripping the bars of their cell...but they could not help him now.


All the guards opened fire, and blew Mr.Sarell the duck into a million pieces. Feathers filled the air, obscuring everyones view. Aragorn took this opportunity to act, using the force to pull the lightsabres away from the remote-control cars wreckage. They flew into his grasp, and he handed one to Gimli.

They both ignited, slicing open the iron bars, and leaping out to a torrent of gunfire. As always, Gimli was too quick though and cut apart most of the guards before they could even aim their weapons. When the room was empty, Gimli sighed, and turned to face Aragorn.

Aragorn had changed though, his beard started growing at an incredible rate and his hair changed colour.

Gimli: Aragorn!!! What is happening to you?

Aragorn's hair changed to white, his green lightsabre to red. Aragorn had turned into Saruman.

Gimli: Holy shit! I sure as hell didn't see that one coming? I thought you were dead!

Saruman: Mwhahahahha....never. Your powers are weak, Master Dwarf

Gimli: You can't win, Saruman. If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you could possibly imagine.

Saruman: When I left you, I was but the learner. Now I am the master.

Gimli: Oh come on! You're not even making sense now, stop with the quoting and start with the fighting you crazy evil sonfofabitch. We'll see who's the master.

Gimli raised his lightsabre, and launched himself at Saruman. Saruman though was more then his match, and easily deflected Gimli's attacks. Gimli continued to fight, putting in more and more effort, but Saruman was getting tired of the entire charade.

Saruman: Time to die Master Dwarf.

Saruman swung his sabre, and cut throught Gimli. His prison uniform and lightsabre fell to the ground, but Gimli had disappeared.


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