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Subject: Im a magician on a mission

Shadow Sabreskye
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Date Posted: 17:25:53 02/05/03 Wed
In reply to: Linnea Marxcell 's message, "Read this before making your character" on 14:59:41 02/05/03 Wed

I am a lil 13 year old magician with blonde spiky hair and blue eyes. I usually wear a robe with leather armor underneath it for protection against enemies. For my weapon, i hav a Mystic Mace that i can use to channel my astonishingly powerful magic. I hav an elemental Pet that follows me around and he attacks any enemies that we encounter on our quests. I'm pretty laid back and im really nice if ppl are nice to me!!

History about Shadow Sabreskye
In the land of Sapphire, i was born. It was noticed right away that i had a powerful magic lurking within me. At a young age, i could easily cast many spells that helped the village in which i lived. In a monster attack on my village, i single-handedly saved my village by summoning a giant elementaling that easily destroyed the beast. As a reward for my deed, the townsppl bestowed upon me a Mystic Mace that was used by the last Great Magician of the land of Sapphire.

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AcceptedPrincess Linnea17:29:51 02/05/03 Wed

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