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Date Posted: 21:47:26 09/08/03 Mon
Author: Chris DiIonno
Subject: Sports Bio

My name is Chris DiIonno and I am a junior communication/philosophy major. I feel like my life is related to those ESPN "without sport" commercials, like 'without sports, weekends would be weekdays." I played baseball and soccer growing up and always found that it was easier to get through school if I had something to look forward to afterard. My real passion has always been football however and I would love to get into a career as a PR director for a team someday. Right now I work for Sportstalk 980 a local sports radio station, so I'm trying to get my foot in the door somewhere. I' enjoy playing anything and everything (although I'm not very talented) and enjoy watching some of the less popular sports such as boxing, horse racing and pool. I am a diehard 49ers fan and a Maryland basketball person - in fact the only times you'll see me truly angry is when one of the two is doing poorly.

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