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Date Posted: 08:30:00 03/11/05 Fri
Author: Katie
Subject: Schools out..

The shrill call of the school bell blasted through the crisp afternoon air. The long silence that followed ended abruptly while a steady stream of school girls flowed out through the heavy double doors. One of the last to leave, a blonde girl of about twelve stumbled slowly along the sidewalk. She tripped over a small stone, dropping her armload of books to the ground. Bending to pick them up her lowriding jeans dropped an inch or so, revealing a rather large expanse of tight, firm ass. Glancing around for her mother, in the farmiliar red Mustang, Katie noticed that the parking lot was nearly empty, except for a dark Jeep which stood parked a few feet away. .. The man incide motioned for her to come closer. The blonde trotted over, stumbling as she struggled to keep her heavy books in her thin arms. "Katie.. " The man studdered.. "Do you remember me.. ? It's me.. Dad.." A false grin was plastered all over the pale mans face as he motioned for her to hop in the back seat. Grabbing the door handle she swung one leg in at a time, slaming the door shut just as she heard the locks click from the outside.

(Moderate to advanced roleplayer. Gunna be rape and maybe murder..)

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[> Re: Schools out.. -- Geff, 14:04:01 03/27/05 Sun

The male undid his seat belt, a thick coat covering the lump in his jeans, he took off his coat and reached over to her, a hand places on her left breat Ohh, Babe, there nice a plump now he said in a odd tone, his hand glided down her flat stoumach to her pussy he gradually pulled back her skirt and fingered her pussy Big brother is gunna love this he removed his hand and seized a bag, he pulled something out of it and handed to her, it was a short but thick dildo, "Babe, make me horny, im gunna fuck you so hard your geek of a boyfriend will never see you again he un zipped his jeans and started wanking himself. He pulled out a laptop and put a video on, there was a girl with the same dildo as Katie playing with herself Like that babe he groaned as a small amount of cum landed around the organ

(figure this might help, hes gunn a fuck her then make her and her mum (if you want) fuck a horse then kill them both)

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[> [> ... -- Katie, 15:14:12 04/01/05 Fri

Blonde snorted loudly, eyes gleaming with a hidden fear. Her tiny hand reaches forward in an attempt to push him away. Who was he anyway.. ? Her other hand fumbled as it reached for the gold locket around her neck, the one that her "Geeky" boyfriend had given her. If only he could be there now.. To save her from this madman. Closing her legs tightly together she tried to remove his hands from her. Looking away from the video flashing before her eyes, away from his horrid face. A tear rolled down her face. Maybe.. If only there were some way out of this.. Mess...

:: And I don't care.. Do whatever you want to her.. Make it fun.. :) ::

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[> [> Re: Schools out.. -- Geff, 22:11:56 04/04/05 Mon

(seeing as no1 was answering i wanna take ova)
He sighed, tired of people who didnt listen to him. He reached over and grabbed her, and in a quick motion tied her hands and gagged her, to make things a bit easier. "Now now, babe, no need to worry. Nothing BAD will really happen." A smirk spread across his face as he began to drive away, to downtown. He knew what really wad gonna happen, and it was amusing him. He stopped at an deserted farmhouse, and dragged her inside, dragging her upstairs and pushing her onto a bed.

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[> [> Re: Schools out.. -- Katie, 10:38:00 04/06/05 Wed

The blonde, fairly small for her age stuggled, trying to loosen the rope which bound her wrists together. With little room between the rope, and her chaffed wrists, the young girl finally gave up with such an idea. Pausing to think, the vehicle suddenly stopped infront of an abandoned farmhouse, throwing her to the floor. Using her legs she managed to wedge them under the seat to lift herself to the window, hoping to see any clues of her where-abouts. Her door flung open to reveal her captor, who grabbed her by the arm and led her through the front door of that menacing building, struggling with her the whole way.

(Yeah. Thats fine! )

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