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Date Posted: 14:39:17 11/09/05 Wed
Author: Max
Subject: Dog Days

Max was in one of the rooms of his master, the seven year old owner to be exact. his tongue licking over his dick hornily. He was a german shepard and had a huge cock and a huge tongue. As he continued to lick himself he grew impatient and stood then walked to one of her large stuffed animals and started to hump it, his dick found a hole in it and slipped inside, while he continued to hump the thing he gave a low howl, the feeling of soft cotton against him felt good but he wanted something tight and wet. Just as the animal thought this the seven year old girl walked into the room

(someone play the girl)

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[> Re: Dog Days -- Lily, 17:14:39 11/09/05 Wed

The little girl's eyes widened in surprise as she saw her dog doing something to her stuffed animal. She frowned but didn't see him biting it, so she crept closer, the cute pink skirt that went past her knees swishing as she did so. She crouched near the stuffed animal and the dog, still frowning as she looked at the scene. Max didn't seem to be hurting the animal, so she looked with innocent eyes to the dog. "Max? What are you doing?" She asked, knowing he couldn't answer but hoping he would at least give her some sign.

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