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Date Posted: 12:34:15 07/06/03 Sun
Author: stockmarket.file numberASIC 70034133
Subject: Date: Tuesday, April 29, 2003 07:08 am

Date: Tuesday, April 29, 2003 07:08 am
Subject: Re: ERG--Owner of Ozestock Patrick Hammond phone--re rape threats ex wife.2

From: stevestebbing@centralpets.com (Steve.)
Newsgroups: aus.invest
Subject: Re: ERG--Owner of Ozestock Patrick Hammond phone--re rape threats ex wife.2

Owner of Ozestock phoned re the securities fraud occuring on his site
on the ERG thread citing two posters in particular that enjoy
inflaming the emotions of a person suffering reactive depression
during senstive moments in the ERG sharetrend. Details of which have
been kept--re recently deleted posts.
Basically I have asked Mr Hammond to remove the two offending posters
and to leave me alone at Google. I have told him the threats made
against my ex wife cited real locations and real names and were logged
with Sutherland Police.
I have further stated that it is not such a nice experience to be
banned from the site then have someone who threatened an immediate
member of your family write things during a price sensitive time and
having no right to response.
The site is clearly fraudulent and so is Pat Hammond.
I have eveidence recorded of insider trading being committed by
another person--who feels I should be humble to the person who
threatened my ex wife with rape also posting on the thread. This has
been going on for 6 months.
Complaint put in. You have been warned. One would expect better from
someone who runs a website dealing with the stockmarket.file number
ASIC 70034133
The harrasment even continues here. Keep the fraud over there.
Steve Stebbing.

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