Subject: earn $40000 in just a month |
Author: Atis
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Date Posted: 06:33:22 05/27/01 Sun
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Earn $40000 by investing only $6! A while ago I found a simmilar text in YAHOO and decided to try it out. At first I thought ‘Yeagh right, it`s just a big fraud’ but, like most of us, I was curious and kept on reading. There were some questions that needed answering. 1. IS THAT REALLY LEGAL? So I phoned a lawyer. He was a little sceptical, he thought that this couldn`t bring me much money, but he confirmed that ,yes, this is LEGAL and that I could try it if I wanted to. This idea looks like a chain letter but its details (EXPLAINED BELOW) make it a legal business. 2.WILL THERE BE ANY PROBLEMS WITH THE POST SERVICES? I called the post service providers and they also explained that this is COMPLETELY LEGAL. After only some days the money started rolling in . The first weeks income was only about $30, but after two weeks I had earned almost $1400. It is now the forth week of my business and I have earned about $46000 and it keeps coming. REMEMBER: this is not a fraud, cheating or illegal in any way. This is completely legal and it`s risk-free – it really works. If you will follow all of the following instructions then pretty soon you wil get enormous amounts of money. This is what you have to do: STEP 1: Get 6 sheets of paper and write on them the folowing text “PLEASE PUT ME ON YOUR MAILING LIST”, include your adress, date and signiture, fold them. Now take 6 USA one-dollar ($1) bills. Put each bill in the folded sheet and put it in an envelope. Make sure that it isn`t visible from outside ( to prevent it from being stolen). Seal the envelope. Now you should have 6 envelopes each containing the sheet with the text, your adress, signature and date and the dollar bill. What You are going to do is to make a service. IT IS ABSOLUTELY LEGAL. You are asking for a sevice and paying for it, what could be easier. If you still think it is suspicious, please call your local post offices. Now mail the 6 letters to the following adresses: #1) J.Thomas, 36 Easterly Drive, East Sandwich, MA 02537 #2) Christopher L. Sloan, 2200 Hickory st., HSU, Box# 14579, Abiline TX19698 #3) Kristen de Joseph, 138 Jansen street, Staten Island, NY 10312 #4) Baraquin Yannick, 10 charlemagne L-1328 Luxemburg, Luxemburg #5) Atis Polmanis, Drustu iela 30b, Riga, LV-1002, Latvia. #6) Ted Brown, 2799 Butrte House Rd., Yuba City, CA 95993. STEP 2: take the first(1.) name off the adress list that is shown above “push” the remaining adresses up by 1 ( so that 6. becomes 5. and 5. becomes 4. etc.) add your adress as the new number 6. in the list. STEP 3: change the things that you need to but try to keep this text as close to the original as possible and place it in about 200 news groups. There are more than 32000 news groups on the net but you need only about 200. Remember that placing this text in more news groups will only increase your income. Also you can send this text to your friends and advise them to do the same. WISH YOU LUCK!
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