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Date Posted: Tuesday, January 18, 07:25:58pm
Author: JayBee
Subject: Hmmm (r)
In reply to: Nell 's message, "You're right - I slipped (r)" on Tuesday, January 18, 11:53:05am

I'm not looking for proof - only wondering what you think about what you saw with regard to Madeline.

This is difficult to answer. Once we go beyond interpretations of canon and start discussing the *assumptions* we have to make about all the characters to fill in things that canon didn't tell us, I suddenly feel reluctant to talk. (I know, *me*, reluctant to talk? It's unexpected....)

I guess I feel that these kinds of assumptions are based on what we, personally, happen to be interested in, or happen to value, or happen to want to look for -- and therefore describing those assumptions will not be of much use in elucidating the characters to others. Rather, talking about the assumptions I make would really only reveal information about *me* -- kind of like being given a Rorschach test and being asked to describe what I see in the inkblots. You wouldn't gain any knowledge about the inkblots themselves from that exercise -- and since I'm therefore not sure that it would help you understand the characters any better from *your* point of view, I'm not sure what the point of the explanation would be.

(I know, I know - it's all in your fic....*g*).

Well, maybe obliquely. But in fic I tend to pick and choose certain themes as opposed to trying to provide a full view of the characters.

So, you know, Madeline did strike me as a committed person - but I didn't think canon made it very clear what exactly she was committed to and so I wondered what you filled in that spot with. Also - I tend to belive that once you've committed to a cause - it is your personal agenda, so when I said that Madeline didn't seem to have a personal agenda, I meant that I didn't see in canon text *any* specific agenda, either hopelessly selfish (to monopolize all chocolate in the world) or romantically selfless (preserve civilization as we know it).

Well, here's one of my assumptions, for what it's worth. I see her as more committed to the organization as an entity-in-itself, in the same way that hard-core CP members sometimes seem to have become excessively attached to the party apparatus and lost sight of the "ultimate" goal, even though they've convinced themselves that they're still staying true to that goal. I think this is an error and a form of mental blindness, but that's what strikes me as being the best explanation for her behavior and the most consistent with what we saw in canon.

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