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Date Posted: Tuesday, February 22, 01:32:48am
Author: Swatkat, using some bad language
Subject: IMO, it was more along the lines of...(r)
In reply to: Mary 's message, "OK, it's too quiet around here. Let's talk about Madeline!!!" on Monday, February 21, 05:37:04pm

Now, before we all say in unison "Becuase TPTB were stupid and lost their minds on this one!!!", I know that already. LOL

TPTB wanted to go out with a bang, but since they had already lost whatever storytelling abilities they had had (in the first two and half seasons), they came up with *this*, and went out with a whimper instead. *snerk*

I've always seen Madeline as a Survivor, as the kind of person who gets pushed down, bounces right back, and gets going again. Had TPTB not come up with the inane plotline to kill off half the cast, Madeline would probably have done the same, but since they did, I've had to develop my own reasoning behind her suicide (thanks to JayBee, of course *g*).

One of the things that draws me most about Madeline is the immense strength of her character. It's this strength that keeps her going. But underlying the strength there's also vulnerability, which we get to see in episodes like Psychic Pilgrim. Madeline had gone through some very difficult times in the times before FLYF, and I can see her getting very, very tired of all this crap that keeps happening around her, with her life; you could even explain the hare-brained schemes in S4 as a part of the slow disintegration process that left her shaken and disillusioned. You could say that the revealation of Nikita (Nikita, of all people) as a mole for Centre was the final straw - she would rather die with her head held high than be ordered around by a bimbo (*g*). The suicide, IMO, was a final "Fuck you" to Jones, and to the rest of the world.

That said, I'm more than willing to reading stories that feature her alive and plotting. *g*


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  • motivations -- sk, Tuesday, February 22, 11:13:10am
  • Yeah, that's it exactly for me. (r) -- Nell, Tuesday, February 22, 11:35:51am

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