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Date Posted: Thursday, February 24, 10:18:24am
Author: EllenM
Subject: A leeetle bit OT--question for LFN fans of '24' (r)

How would things change on 24 if 'Madeline' were in 'Erin Driscoll's' position?

I don't necessarily want to see an exact 'Madeline' in place of 'Erin Driscoll', but I ask this question because, IMO from the beginning of this season, the part written for that superb actress, Alberta Watson, has been severely lacking. She is supposed to be the head of CTU, but seems instead to be a secretary, at the very most. Her lines consist mostly of 'yes sirs', 'I'll take care of that', etc. Even in the few times she has raised her very soft voice in protest, whatever she says gets knocked down immediately—and she immediately accepts that.

Her makeup and costume, which could provide visual strength, are awful. As a matter of fact, it looks as if she hasn't been to makeup yet. She looks dull—a very difficult thing for Alberta Watson to look.

As head of CTU, you'd think she'd have some strength, but so far, I've seen none of it. At the beginning, it seemed as if she might provide a necessary foil for Jack, but that collapsed rather quickly. She provides a foil for no one. Even the 'Secretary of Defense' just walks all over her.

They gave her a daughter with serious mental complications. As head of CTU, with the intense job she has, would she really leave that daughter alone in the suburban neighborhood in which she seems to live? And what purpose does that daughter serve? Written well, it might have had an impact on her job—but not on this show.

It wouldn't really matter if Erin Driscoll were there or not. And that's the main point. She has no personality, makes no difference in what goes on. She just is a dot connector.

And this is in no way due to Alberta's acting, but is totally due to her badly-written part, IMO.

I'm wishing for some kind of character for Erin Driscoll. Every week, I watch the show thinking—'now they'll give her something to say, something to do, some difference to make.'

Again, I don't want to see a copy of Madeline there. But, please, some kind of character, some kind of strength, some believability. This is not only for Alberta, but giving Erin a strong character would, IMO, immeasurably enhance the entire show.

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