Date Posted:Wednesday, May 16, 05:13:07pm Author:ranma=> Subject: I'm Back!
I'm back online.
I plan on having approximately 20 of Shelly's stories online by the end of the month.
Thank you for everyone who sent me good thoughts.
If you are interested, here's a summary of my adventures:
Ow, this hurts
Well now it doesn't hurt, it's making my fingers numb and swollen
Injection wears off
Ow, this hurts
Laid off from my job of 13+ years - after all it is illegal in my state to fire someone for a Workers Compensation injury
Ow, this hurts
"It will have to be surgery"
"Let's try a local."
Ow, this hurts
"Still? Push against my hand. Hmmm, the local didn't work. Do you always bruise like that?"
Put me under and did the surgery - including casted from palm to bicep at an angle
Me - puke, puke, puke, puke - double dose of Anaesthesia
To the Pharmacy
Pharmacist - "Insurance won't pay for the pain medication"
Me - puke - paid for it
Home to sleep, sleep, sleep and sleep
Next day me on phone to Insurance company - "Grrr, grrr, bark, bark, bark"
Pharmacist calling me 1 hour later - "Wow. Never had such a quick response from the Insurance company before. Your refund is waiting."
Itch, itch, itch
11 days after surgery they take the stitches out. I've never had stitches before - Pull, pull, tug, tug, stop - tug, tug, stop
Me - "Just pull the damn thing out!"
OWWWWWWWW - finished
Splinted from palm to bicep at an angle - 24 hours a day, I can take it off to shower - woo woo
Ow, this hurts
"It should not be hurting"
Ow, this hurts
"I'm prescribing 6 weeks of Physical Therapy, 3 times a week"
2 weeks into the PT
"The insurance company says you should have been returned to work 3 days after surgery, I am releasing you to return to work"
Restrictions - restricted to 5 pounds lifting per hand and no twisting of right upper extremity - finish PT typing is not the cause (HAH)
Insurance company quits returning calls and stops my temporary disability payments
Finished PT and applied for Unemployment Insurance
Started applying for work and getting interviews that stop at the discussion of restrictions - because it is illegal to discriminate against someone for a physical disability
Unemployment "requires" me to jump through hoops - so I jump - may have some educational opportunities available to me - hurry up and wait
Possible employment, depending on their physician's decision about my restrictions - sigh
That's it to date.