Date Posted:Wednesday, March 22, 07:31:41am Author: KT Subject: I always checked Scorch's board twice a day! ^!^ In reply to:
's message, "Re: May I add...(r)" on Tuesday, March 21, 06:36:13pm
There are so many good stories out there, but Katadyn's and Schnee's still are some of my favorites. Of course, The Words, and Saimhe's site set the standard, ranma's archive provided endless hours of reading. Thank You, ranma.
Tara LJC's site was huge, and both Susans, and Quinn's. I would sit and do searches to find every LFN site on the net and read through every story, one by one, until my eyes drooped.
Of course, the dilemmas of the characters, in terms of their missions and their relationships, were complex and intriguing, which always made it a challenge for the writer to decide how much of each element of the show to include in their story. I believe this was the impetus for so many great stories in LFN fanfic.
I agree with Shan that many of the mission stories were not as popular as the relationship stories, and I think there are many mission stories out there that are very well written and bear re-reading.
I used to keep a hand-written list on my desk of all the LFN fanfic sites in case my computer crashed *GG* and I lost everything. later, ^!^