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Date Posted: Thursday, March 23, 04:09:07am
Author: tee
Subject: Re: May I add...(r)
In reply to: Diane 's message, "Re: May I add...(r)" on Wednesday, March 22, 07:36:40pm

No, Diane, it was neither finished nor archived. And though what there was of it has been saved, so to speak, I know firsthand that Scorch (who is my housemate) would not wish it passed on to anyone.

I cannot speak for Shrift, but I know she moved on a long time ago and is interested in other things/writing/fandoms.

The bad part about the fanfiction history was the arrival of plagiarist(s?) who literally stole some of these well-loved authors' work, posted it on their own manufactured websites and passed it off as their own. What made it even uglier was the fact that said plagiarist then claimed the original authors had stolen from her. It was terrible, ugly...has never really stopped...And it caused many authors to pull their work...or stop posting...some even stopped writing altogether.

Scorch started a private board, on which some authors did return to posting, secure in the knowledge the board's address was known only to a limited number of people. But eventually people started posting on the regular boards again...or drifted out of the fandom entirely in the wake of the show's demise. In time we felt the secret board's raison d'etre was no more, so Scorch closed it down and it is now gone.

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