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Date Posted: Sunday, May 28, 10:01:47pm
Author: warren
Subject: Runs In The Family
In reply to: JayBee and Nell 's message, "Friday Challenge: May 26, 2006" on Friday, May 26, 03:23:36pm

Something I wrote last year.

Section is the most clandestine organisation on the planet. For this reason, once a person is in Section, their family believes they have died somehow. They are dead to the family left behind in the real world. But they are alive in Section, protecting the way of life for their family and the people of the world in general.

Section is full of operatives that joined both willingly and unwillingly. No matter which way of joining, their old life does not exist any more. The old family ties have disappeared. New ones have come into existence. The main members of the families they lose are :
1. Parents
2. Children
3. Siblings

Cousins and other relatives are not directly related so I will not discuss them.

Let's go through a list of Section operatives and the family
members they have lost.

Paul Wolfe, known as `Operations'

The man that was in charge of Section was chosen to be the man in charge. He was in the Vietnam War and was pronounced Missing-In-Action. So his wife and young son never saw him again. They both thought he was dead. Operations' son Stephen Wolfe did not believe that his father was MIA and tried to make money to buy information by stealing and selling a computer guidance chip, the CM-12. During the mission to prevent the seling of the CVM-12, Operations told Nikita to keep Stephen safe but also not tell anyone else that Stephen was his son. So even though Stephen thought his father was either missing or dead, his father still looked after his son as a father should.
His wife Corrinne remarried Nikolai Markali who it turned out was in league with terrorists and had to be disposed of. Operations planned it so his wife killed Markali and then was hospitalised in an institution. Not a good way to treat his wife but probably the safest way and easier to keep an eye on her. So Operations' family thought he was dead. He knew they were alive. He was dead but not forgotten by his son and dead and sometimes remembered by his wife.

Michael Samuelle

Michael's parents died when he was young and he had to look after his younger sister. When he was arrested and presumably died in jail, his friend Rene Dian looked after his sister for a few years. Rene Dian was a friend of Michael's who became a terrorist and was eventually betrayed by Michael. Michael let him escape once but not a second time. Michael was married twice. Once to another operative, Simone, who was captured by terrorists and then found but died saving Michael and other operatives. The second time was as part of a long-term mission. His wife, Elena, had a father that was high up in the terrorist organisations. They had a son, Adam. Michael had to pretend to be shot and killed so his wife and son could live a normal life. Michael once drove to where his sister was living. He saw her and her husband and her child. All happy. All safe. Only because Michael's sister thinks of him as dead. She probably thinks of him sometimes and wonders why he became such a radical bad person and why he suicided in jail. But we know he is in his own type of jail. His wife Elena and son Adam think of him as dead. Michael, gone but not forgotten.


Nikita's was placed in Section under false pretences. She was convicted of a crime she didn't commit. She was believed to have committed suicide in jail. Nikita's mother, Roberta Wirth, did not believe fully that she died in prison and has spent years hiring private detectives to find out any information about her supposed death. When knowledge of Roberta came to Section's notice, Michael and Nikita fooled her into thinking that she was hospitalised.
Hospitalised because she had a choice of being experimented on or jail. Roberta believed the former. She then asked for Nikita's body to be donated so other's could use any organs needed. Nikita, twice dead to her mother, never forgotten at all.
Nikita's father, it turned out was the head of Section, a man called Mr Jones. It seems that Nikita was planted in Section on purpose and then trained the way she was to become the eventual head of Section. All those years, she was watched by her father and when they did meet it was not for long as he was killed by a terrorist group called The Collective, in place of Michael's son Adam. Nikita was given the command key to Section by him just before this. To him, Nikita was never dead and never forgotten.

Jason Crawford and Seymour Birkoff

Seymour and Jason are twins separated just after birth. Their mother was a section operative named Lisa who let one of them free while the other was kept in Section. Jason was freed but Section kept him under surveillance. Seymour stayed in Section. When Seymour died, Operations and Madeline brought Jason into Section and tried to pass him off as Seymour. Neither of them knew of the existence of the other until Seymour found a file. Seymour is dead, and Jason knows about him now. To Seymour's surviving family, his twin brother Jason, Seymour is known of but not known. Dead but not known enough to be forgotten.


The second-in-command of Section is a woman. Madeline had a hard childhood as she is believed to have killed her sister Sarah by pushing her down a set of stairs. Her mother never really blamed Madeline for her sister's death. Her mother probably loved her all along. Even after she must have lost touch or gone missing to move into the Section. Madeline's mother became senile and Madeline had he brought into Section to be watched both by Section and Madeline. Her mother does not recognise and mistakes her for Sarah. So Madeline is dead to her family. Dead and forgotten.


Walter has no mention of a last name. There was no mention of a mother, a father, a sister, or a brother. No mention of any family relations at all. The only people he mentioned were not family but old women friends, a Paula Davenport and a Lita. We never saw Paula and when we did see Lita, she was found to be a Section operative tocheck on Walter. Walter did marry an Operative, Belinda, but she was sent out on a mission as an abeyance op and was killed. So Walter has no family from before Section. Section has become his new family. To all his relatives, if any, and friends before Section he is forgotten but not dead.


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