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Date Posted: Monday, May 29, 03:25:50pm
Author: Jane-ann
Subject: Head of Security
In reply to: JayBee and Nell 's message, "Friday Challenge: May 26, 2006" on Friday, May 26, 03:23:36pm

Ms. Jones has always been an early riser. When she’s on site she is up by 4:30 and dressed and ready for her morning run by 5:15 a.m. sharp. When I came aboard six years ago her security team was headed by Frank Timmons, one of the meanest son-of-a-bitches I’ve ever had the good fortune of meeting. I can still picture him in my mind as he was then, tall red-headed ex-marine from the U.S. with deep blue eyes and a mouth that seemed to be set at a permanent frown.

Frank accompanied Ms. Jones everyday on her morning run. I still remember the first time I saw the two of them together I immediately thought there was something going on between the two of them. But as the days passed I realized that Ms. Jones had that same easy manner with everyone on her security team. In time too I realized that Frank maybe had more feelings for Ms. Jones then he let any of us know. It was something I saw in his eyes once, a rare time when he thought no one else was looking. It was only for the briefest of moments, and so quick that afterward I thought perhaps I had imagined it happening at all. But as time wore on I knew that what I had witnessed that day had to be true. Why else would a man give up everything, including an offer to work at the U.N., and choose to remain instead in a job that would give him so little freedom? He loved her, of that I am certain. It showed in the extra attention he paid to her travel plans, the way he pored over the list of attendees at any conference she was to attend, in the way he had us review over and over again the schematics to each hotel and building that she would be at, and the way he built his whole life around keeping her safe.

At one point I began paying more attention to the way Ms. Jones behaved around Frank. I thought perhaps I had missed some cues and that maybe my first instinct about the two of them had been correct. But just as certain as I am today that Frank loved her I became equally convinced that Ms. Jones’ feelings for her head of security was limited to that of a trusted friend and maybe confidante. I have heard rumors instead that she is in love with some man from her past. But if that is true I do not know who this mystery man is, where he is at, or if he is even alive. Oddly enough I think the only person who may have known the truth of those rumors for certain was Frank.

There is a discrete beep in my ear unit that lets me know Ms. Jones has left her apartment and is on her down for her run. I check in with the parameter team once more before turning in time to greet Ms. Jones. There is the briefest hesitation in her response, as if she were expecting someone else to be standing here instead of me. She shakes her head slightly and reaches over to place her hand lightly on my shoulder and her next words confirm my suspicions.

“I still expect to see Frank here,” she explains, and I nod my silent understanding.

“It won’t be the same without him.”

Ms. Jones takes a deep breath and looks out at the early morning sky. There is a look of remembrance in her eyes. Perhaps for Frank but maybe also for all the others she must have lost in this life. For surely no one reaches Ms. Jones’ position without knowing some sad goodbyes and broken friendships. Maybe she is thinking too of that man from the past that she is rumored to be in love with. She turns to me suddenly and graces me with a smile that is etched with a kindness I am sure must have melted many a man’s hearts, Frank’s included.

“Shall we start?” she asks, and we begin to warm up quietly. I follow the routine that Frank had the foresight to began teaching me several months ago. I can hear his calm voice drilling me still in his head. ‘Keep your eyes and ears open. Always be on alert. Let her set the pace. Don’t talk unless you’re spoken to. Ms. Jones has a lot on her mind and doesn’t need to be distracted by idle chatter.’

Remembering his instructions makes me smile inwardly. Frank looked out for her to the very end. I for one am going to miss his guidance and the strength of his presence. Observing the quietness in Ms. Jones I think too that she will miss Frank Timmons as well.

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