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Date Posted: Monday, June 19, 03:27:18am
Author: warren
Subject: Capture
In reply to: JayBee and Nell 's message, "Friday Challenge: June 9, 2006" on Friday, June 09, 07:43:43pm

I was just doing my job. Standing guard outside the embassy. Me and Johnny.
Then the group of young guys, dressed as soccer fans ready and eager to watch the
soccer game later in the afternoon. Johnny laughed as he said that my team would
lose three-zip. I had just said "wanna bet" when the group of fans stopped and pulled
pistols out of there pants and from under there shirts. I remember some of them wore
the team colours of my favourite. Wonder if we won. That was yesterday.
Today is different. They killed Johnny. Put a bag on his head and BANG. One shot.
I know that they'll be doing it to me soon. Won't do anything though.
Can't tell them what I don't know. I only know three things.
My name. My rank. My number.

Is the government going to do anything?
Maybe noone else knows or even cares that we were captured.
What could they do?
Am I a hostage for money or were we taken just for fun?
I'm pretty sure there will be new guards at the embassy.
What could they do?
Probably was within minutes of them noticing us missing.
Who could they send?
No such thing as superheroes that go around saving the innocent and unprotected.
So I'll just go on doing what I am doing.
Trying to find a way out. Like all good prisoners do.

"Any last words?" I was asked.
I say the only words I have spoken since being taken.
I repeat the mantra I have made. Over and over again.
It took about an hour. I kept on changing the inflections and emphasis on certain syllables. Now it is letter peerfect.
Andrew Townsend, Lance Corporal, Serial Number five four eight seven two three zero six one.

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