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Date Posted: Thursday, June 29, 10:19:22am
Author: Nell
Subject: Backstories or filler?
In reply to: Swatkat 's message, "Backstories" on Thursday, June 29, 09:22:05am

That's the question, I suppose. *eg*

I thought LFN did okay with backstory in the sense that they eventually provided some for everyone, except possibly Walter - and even he got a little. The bigger problem, IMO, wasn't so much lack of backstory as inconsistent backstories!

How long was Paul a POW? How many wives did he have?

How long has Michael been in Section? 15 years or 9 years?

I think the PTB focused so much on the oppresiveness of Section that they didn't give as much care to the inhabitants who lived there as they might have, and made the show richer for it. But I think their immaginations stalled out early on, and I don't really know why. They had given themselves so much to work with and had a strong core of characters.....

Alternatively, they could have gone the law and order route and skipped backstories altogether and focused on having an actual procedural mission each week..... but they didn't seem to have the energy for that either.

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  • Not all shows work the same way (r) -- JayBee, Thursday, June 29, 11:00:51am
  • I suppose, for me, part of the enduring fascination of LFN (r) -- Nell, Thursday, June 29, 11:47:21am

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