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Date Posted: Sunday, July 30, 07:26:56pm
Author: ranma=>
Subject: Wow! This brings back memories
In reply to: incognito 's message, "LFN Fan Fiction History Lesson" on Friday, March 17, 11:40:18pm

Hi, everyone =>

When I first found LFN online, I found Jeanette's board first and then Susan's Story Boards. They weren't Voy at the time, I think InTheWeb or something similar to that.

I started archiving out of pure selfishness. I learned that a lot of the stories I was enjoying so much were just dropping off into the ethernet when the pages turned, so I asked the authors if it would be okay if I harvested the stories. And the LFN Storyboard Archives were born. I'm thinking sometime late first Season or early second season.

I remember Debris had the LFN Archives and then Juana took over.

Susan and Zzoomama asked me if I wanted to take over the storyboards before the Voy move because they didn't have the time to devote to them and I said yes.

Then InTheWeb (still not sure that is the right name, but it was something like that) went off-line and we had to find a new place, flirted briefly with EZBoard but ended up on Voy.

Chelle had several stories archived with me, but she requested they be removed and I do as my authors ask =>

I remember LODM mostly because my computer wasn't updated enough for some of their graphics, but Jaron has harvested a vast majority of those stories for me and I am slowly but surely adding them back into Shelly and Ghost's pages. There are some collaborations and some from Laura (I think Shelly's sister, but Jaron would know for sure).

Justin Ann has helped tremendous on the "Saved" project sending me zipped files of hundreds of older LFN stories. Thanks Justin Ann. All of the stories from this month's update are from her efforts =>

The archives had certainly changed over the years both in looks and in organization. I'm a little OC (LOL) so I'm constantly tweaking it trying to make it as close to a virtual library as I can.

It's amazing how long this has been going on and I'm still thrilled that people are enjoying my archives!

Happy Reading!

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