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Date Posted: Sunday, August 06, 02:53:45pm
Author: Cynaera
Subject: God, I hope I'm doing this right...
In reply to: JayBee and Nell 's message, "Friday Challenge: July 28, 2006" on Friday, July 28, 06:04:15pm

The effects of global warming were being felt earth-wide – even at Section, where everything was tightly controlled. The HVAC system had inexplicably failed, despite input from the best minds in several countries. Unseasonably hot temperatures were being experienced in far-reaching countries, resulting in alarming deathtolls due to heatstroke and even more alarming damage to crops. Brush fires from dry lightning storms had broken out and had run rampant, with no hope of containment – there simply was not enough manpower to fight them. Hundreds of thousands of acres of land were being devoured by flames. It seemed the earth was suffering the wrath of whichever pissed off god or goddess controlled the element of fire. Whether any parcel of land would be spared the devastation remained to be seen.

* * *

She strode coolly down the long, deserted corridor from her sterile office, up the discreetly secluded staircase, and into the overlook hotel known as “The Perch.” Her makeup was unsmudged, her demeanor absolutely neutral. She spoke as she approached Operations. “We have confirmation that many of the fires are being caused by a single person.”

“Do we know who that person is?”

“We’re working on it. Our larger problem is, as you know, the backlash from the fires. Section One has cultivated certain trusts, and the recent outbreak of fires and climate changes could be misconstrued by those trusts as a breach of contract.”

“Do we have that much control?”

“Of course we do. You authorized the contract last month.”

Operations paced, running his fingers through his close-cropped silver hair, swiping sweat from his forehead and cheeks with an expulsion of air that was both relieved and frustrated. “I trust you know what needs to be done.”


“Do it.”

She gave a brief, slow nod of her head, lowered her eyes in deference to her superior, and made to leave the room.


One word, calling her up short like a dog on a short leash. “Yes?”

“Why are you not affected by this?” He gestured to the world around him – the world inundated by fire and heat.

Madeline smiled that enigmatic, terrifying smile, and said nothing as she exited.

Operations remembered something an operative had said during his debrief of a particularly gruesome mission. He’d been shaken to the point where he’d had to be cancelled as a liability, but he had divulged some valuable intel on the woman who shared the Perch with him – intel he’d suspected, but hadn’t confirmed: ”The woman has ice water in her veins.”

Operations nodded in understanding, a small, guarded smile on his face…

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