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Date Posted: Monday, October 17, 11:49:37pm
Author: warren
Subject: Re: Friday Challenge: Death II
In reply to: JayBee and Nell 's message, "Friday Challenge: October 14, 2005" on Friday, October 14, 09:41:47am

"Frank??" I ask. What a stupid question. Never question the Boss. Don't know why the Boss wants me to take Frank to the basement but he is the boss. In the basement, I put the cat on the table and go back to the door. It won't open. I go back and look at the camera and signal that it's locked. Then a hissing sound comes through the air. SHIT. What's he doing? The door won't open. Some sort of gas is coming in. I can understand gassing the cat. I know he needs a display of the gas working, but why me? Me and the Boss have known each other for years and years. Shit. It's hard to breathe. I close my eyes. I wake up. I am lying on the floor. But I can't breathe. What's happening. That darn cat is coming up to me and licking my face. I want to shout but I can't. The sound doesn't seem to come out. I want to breathe but I can't. The air doesn't seem to come in. The cat is curling up right in front of my face. The cat is staring at me. Hey, I just noticed. The cat's eyes are the same colour as mine. A nice green. I can see the cat but I don't want to..
Another point of view of beginning scene of "Love"

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