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Date Posted: Wednesday, October 19, 12:29:03pm
Author: Nell and Jaybee
Subject: Wednesday Roundup - October 19

Wednesday Roundup -

This week I've put together some links to a number of general fanfiction/fanworks sites. Most of these have been linked before on the FFMB, but I wanted to pull them together into a single announcement. Fanfiction is a huge enterprise, dating, in media fandom, at least to Star Trek, the original series and the ur-m/m slash pairing of Kirk/Spock, and in literary fandoms at the very least to Sir Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes, and one of the nicest aspects of the interweb is the way it has fostered a larger 'meta' world of thinking and writing and discussing very broadly about fanfiction, writing, reading, and creating it - everything from the legality of it (dicey question) to the nuts and bolts of characterization, good grammar, and a locations of lexicons to make sure you spell all the character's names right (harder than you would ever believe in the anime fandoms.....!), to collections that point to the very best examples (in the opinion of the list maker, of course!).

What follows are my favorite 'meta' sites:

Fanfiction Symposium - This site holds nearly seven years worth of more or less monthly colomns about fanfic - all kinds, shapes and sizes. They are for the most part thoughtful and engaging and I definitely recommend browsing here if you are interested in larger issues of writing fanfiction.

Fanthropology - From the user info: "Fanthropology is a community dedicated to discussing and analyzing fandom culture, news, and events, for both fandom in general and specific fandoms. Our goal is analysis, understanding, and relaying of information related to fan culture. We're here to think and be informed - but we want to have fun doing it!

This community is open for discussions on any fandom related to fictional creations and popular media: television, books, computer games, animation, movies, role-playing games, etc. We also include discussions of sports entertainment fandom (such as wrestling), and fandoms of things portrayed in the above medium. In general the only subject not covered is sports fandom, as that is often adequately represented and analyzed elsewhere."

Can be a little on the dry side, but if you want to be able to put the antics of your fellow LFN fans into some kind of context of fannish behavior? This is an excellent resource.

Metafandom - From the user info: "This community is for linking to interesting discussions in fandom, any fandom, on Livejournal. It provides no commentary or opinion, just links and descriptions. It does not link to friends locked entries. Links *must* be essentially fannish in nature. "

I'm personally a huge fan of this community and enjoy a lot of the essays and opinions I've read because this community pointed me to them.

Ship Manifesto - From the user info: "Welcome to Shipper's Manifesto, a project designed to bring together shippers of every conceivable pairing and share with the world what it is that draws us to those pairings.

This community's goal is to provide readers with a detailed listing of pairings, insight into the characters behind the pairings, and contextual understanding of what makes the pairing work. This community will also provide newcomers with a starting point for further exploration.

We have *harassed* fans from every fandom to compile essays that focus on their pairing. Detailed analysis of the characters involved, the pairing itself, and the current state of fandom surrounding them has been provided. In addition, recommendations have been made concerning fanfiction, videos, graphics and links.

This is just a starting ground.

Shipper's Manifesto encourages everyone to sign up and take a turn writing for their pairing. Help us to create the single largest compilation of shipper meta written for fans, by fans."

Fair warning - this is a spot where I got into a bit of trouble by arguing with the the writer who produced the really lovely essay in defense of Michael and Nikita. The essay was great - it was when she dismissed all LFN fanfic as essentially crap that I got a little testy.....*g*

You should also check out Jaybee's terrific essay on Madeline/Paul.

The memories section, with nearly 350 links, makes clear the tremendous breadth of active fanish communities.

Crack Van - from the user info: "The crack_van propagates multi-fandom addiction through an exhaustive regimen of positive and negative reinforcement and mental cleansing. Not really! It’s just a place to find everything you need to enjoy new fandoms without fear of bad!fic, WiP’s or confusing scenarios.

The goal is a balanced and sustainable recs community serving all fandoms. Volunteers rotate on a monthly basis, and guarantee the community a minimum of one rec per week, of an outstanding fic in their fandom. All ratings, all pairings, het, gen and slash are all welcome."

My name is somewhere on a long list of people waiting to be tapped to rec stories from my 'small fandom' - and actually I could vault to (near) the top by finishing a short essay about LFN.....when I do that, I will turn to this community for ideas about recs so that I can showcase as much LFN as possible.

Polyamorous Recs - This is Nestra and Shrift's collection of fanfic recs from a huge array of fandoms, including of course, LFN. I know this link has been offered several times, but it is a fantastic site, and can't be pointed to often enough.


Modly announcement: Jaybee and I are tossing around the idea of using this 'Wednesday Roundup' feature, maybe once a month or so, to provide links and pointers to all the current LFN fiction, finished or WIP updates, that is 'out there.' We would like to do this in part just to show off, at least to the readers here, just how much creativity and effort continues to pour into the writing of LFN fic - so much that it is still rather hard to keep up with it all, despite the links at the top of this page! (Which don't link everything we realize.....) In fact, there is still so much being produced, month to month, that we are not at all confident of our ability, just the two of us, to keep track of it all. So, we are asking two things:

1) Is there any interest in such a monthly roundup of new and in-progress LFN stories?

2) If so, would anybody be willing to volunteer to watch a favorite board or website for us, and when the time for the monthly fic roundup arrives, simply add a reply to the thread with all the latest information about stories on, say, Story Board 1, or from Michael's Retreat?

Nell and Jaybee

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