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Date Posted: Thursday, November 17, 11:57:50am
Author: Nell
Subject: I remember that too (r)
In reply to: Swatkat 's message, "Re: I'm not sure that's entirely it, (r)" on Thursday, November 17, 10:49:54am

I have no idea what MB it was on, and, one of those perceptions things again, if it was on the main SBs - run by Susan Hargrove of the modly hammer of doom - that could be why I don't remember any kerfufllfe about that kind of thing. She wouldn't let it go on for long before deleting it all.

Some of hte earliest M/M that I'm aware of (which is not necesarily all of it, as I think some of it was never widely shared, m/m still being very much in the shadows in some ways back then) was Michael/Jurgen or Michael/OMC - and was very much about exploring our angsty man in black, and as such, I have no memory of any serious objection to it.

That being said, if someone was feeling gun shy, for whatever reason, even one negative reaction could be one too many and make for an unpleasant posting memory.

I do know, that for a variety of reasons, Michael/Birkoff hits all of *my* age difference squicks (on a bad day, so does Michael/Nikita, actually) - and so I would be curious to know if was the m/m smut that was getting the cold shoulder, or the particular pairing, along with the general reluctance of an OTP obsessed fandom with seeing M or N paired with *anyone* else.

Because Michael/Mary Sue was also pretty firmly shown the door a long time ago - but that has nothing to do with the the het!smut love which continues be strong here, in the LFN caves. *g*

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