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Date Posted: Friday, November 18, 10:21:22am
Author: Nell
Subject: Jurgen isn't not hot - (r)
In reply to: JayBee 's message, "Heh. Well...(r)" on Thursday, November 17, 06:10:44pm

he certainly seems comparably hot to other hotly slashed male characters out there (to me, anyway)....and, if he hadn't had the misfortune to die at the end of his arc, all those angsty stares with Michael? The fight/sex sublimation scene? The dark, conflicted past relationship? The squabbling over Nikita/sex subsitute?

I buy it all - I personally just don't care all that much. I mean, I'd read it, if someone wrote it, but I would never explore it as a stand alone.

I also think if those episodes were airing now, while m/m is such a popular genre in the fanfiction world? I really believe we'd be seeing a fair amount of Michael/Jurgen. And in fanfiction, he would live on. There would be scads of Alternate Time lines where Nikita ran into the building to detonate the bomb to selflessly allow the great Michael/Jurgen lurve to survive......perhaps even triggering the great hot sexor reunion scene as they ostensibly get together to blame each other for her death and end up shagging on the floor, united in their love and loss and pledging to carry on bravely together in her memory....

But without the support of a large community of slashers, at the time, plus his death, and the OTPness of the fandom.....that story didn't get written. *g*

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