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Date Posted: Tuesday, May 24, 08:49:34pm
Author: JayBee
Subject: This is 200 words, but I'll post it anyway (r)
In reply to: EllenM 's message, "THE LFN 100 Plus – Challenge # 43" on Friday, May 20, 04:39:56am


"I didn't kill my husband. There's been a terrible mistake."

The woman watching me from the doorway smiles. It isn't the patronizing, I've-heard-that-line-before smile the prison guards gave me. It's the smile of someone who knows I'm telling the truth -- and doesn't care.

"I have two children. They need me." I can taste the panic, my mouth so dry I can only whisper. "Please."

She cocks her head and regards me the way one would a profoundly pitiful child.

"This was your funeral." She hands me a photo.

I can't bring myself to look at my children by the gravesite; instead, I stare at the flower arrangement. Too many gladiolas. It looks cheap and hastily prepared.

Like what one would expect at the funeral of a convicted murderer.

I fight to control the urge to vomit on the pristine white floor.

"Your children are with their aunt and uncle," the woman explains, and she sounds almost kind. "There's no need to be concerned about their welfare. In fact, it's best if you forgot about them entirely."

I look up and meet her gaze. This time it's warm. "You have a new family now," she says. "It's called Section One."


The LFN character is Madeline; the crossover character is Bree Van De Kamp of Desperate Housewives.

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